Adherence of Bisphosphonate and Decreased Risk of Clinical Vertebral Fracture in Osteoporotic Patients

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dc.description학위논문(박사)--아주대학교 일반대학원 :의학과,2023. 2-
dc.description.tableofcontentsⅠ. Introduction 1 <br>Ⅱ. Definition and treatment of osteoporosis 4 <br> A. Definition and clinical importance of osteoporotic fractures 4 <br> B. Treatment 5 <br>Ⅲ. Current status of osteoporotic fractures at home and abroad and socioeconomic burden 6 <br>Ⅳ. Hypotheses and Objectives of Study 9 <br>Ⅴ. Literature Review 10 <br>Ⅵ. Methods 15 <br> A. Study design 15 <br> B. Data source 15 <br> C. Inclusion and exclusion criteria 15 <br> D. Medication possession ratio (MPR) 18 <br> E. Study outcome and subgroup analysis 18 <br> F. Statistical analysis 18 <br>Ⅶ. Results 20 <br>Ⅶ. Discussion 27 <br>Ⅷ. Conclusion 31 <br>Ⅸ. Reference 32-
dc.publisherThe Graduate School, Ajou University-
dc.rights아주대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.-
dc.titleAdherence of Bisphosphonate and Decreased Risk of Clinical Vertebral Fracture in Osteoporotic Patients-
dc.title.alternative골다공증 환자에서 비스포스포네이트 약물 순응도에 따른 척추골절 위험 분석: 성향점수 매칭 분석으로-
dc.contributor.affiliation아주대학교 대학원-
dc.contributor.department일반대학원 의학과-
dc.subject.keywordnationwide cohort study-
dc.description.alternativeAbstractPurpose: Bisphosphonate is associated with a decreased risk of clinical vertebral fractures due to osteoporosis. However, there are limited studies on how poor compliance with bisphosphonate affects the risk of vertebral fractures in a nationwide cohort. We aimed to evaluate whether adherence to bisphosphonate affects the risk of fracture in osteoporosis patients. <br>Methods: We used the data of the Korean National Health Insurance Service Senior Cohort. A total of 33,315 (medication possession ratio [MPR]: 50) osteoporosis patients were matched using the propensity score matching method: those who received low-dose bisphosphonate and those who received high-dose bisphosphonate. Twenty-two confounding variables, including age, socioeconomic status, medications prescribed, and underlying diseases that may affect the risk of fracture were adjusted for propensity score matching. <br>The risk of vertebral fracture was assessed by Cox proportional hazards regression. <br>Results: Patients with a higher MPR showed a decreased vertebral fracture risk than those with a lower MPR (MPR 50 = hazard ratio [HR]: 0.909, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.877–0.942, P &lt; 0.001; MPR 70 = HR: 0.874, 95% CI: 0.838–0.913, P &lt; 0.001; MPR 90 = HR: 0.822, 95% CI: 0.780–0.866, P &lt; 0.001). MPR was associated with a decreased clinical vertebral fracture risk in both groups with or without history of fracture. In the subgroup analysis, MPR was associated with a decreased clinical vertebral fracture risk in women, in all age, with or without T2DM, and with or without hypertension. <br>Conclusion: Higher MPR is associated with a lower clinical vertebral fracture risk. Hazard ratio of MPR 50% was 0.909.-
dc.title.subtitleA Propensity Score Matching Analysis-
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Graduate School of Ajou University > Department of Medicine > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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