4. Theses(Ph.D)160

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-08Novel treatment combining plasma–activated water for skin wound regeneration by regulation of redox metabolism이혜란
2023-08Development of the Otic (Inner Ear) Organoid with Exploring Differentiation-Promoting Factors김한태
2023-08Development and Validation of a Conceptual Framework of ICF-based Oral Function Rehabilitation Exercise Intervention for Community-dwelling Older Adults윤지혜
2023-08Machine learning-based prediction model for postoperative delirium in non-cardiac surgery박정찬
2023-02The value of drain fluid amylase as a predictor of postoperative pancreatic fistula after pancreaticogastrostomyYUAN SHUAI
2023-02성인 천식에서 혈청 CC16 수준의 임상적 유용성정창규
2023-02Characteristics and etiologic distribution of diplopia and ocular motor nerve palsy김현재
2023-02Identification and in silico pathway analysis of the differentially expressed genes in bone marrow and adipose tissues of Cotl1 knockout mice김도완
2023-02The Positive Association between Muscle Mass and Bone Status Is Conserved in Men with Diabetes문현욱
2023-02A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Lactobacillus plantarum CJLP243 in Patients with Functional Diarrhea and High Fecal Calprotectin Levels정민아
2023-02Comparison of radiomics tools in differentiation between anterior mediastinal cystic lesion and solid mass유슬기
2023-02The Influence of High-Risk Alcohol Drinking and Household Income on Depressive Symptoms김욱
2023-02Adherence of Bisphosphonate and Decreased Risk of Clinical Vertebral Fracture in Osteoporotic Patients김세희
2023-02Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 is associated with homocysteine more than with apolipoprotein B100김남규
2022-08Assessment of the bone mineral density and microstructure of the human femoral head according to different tip-apex distances can guide the treatment of intertrochanteric hip fracturesSHEN QUANHU
2022-08Beneficial effects of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors and sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease이나미
2022-08The Effect of Low-Dose Dexmedetomidine on Pain and Inflammation in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Hysterectomy이지영
2022-08Predictive Biomarkers of the Exacerbation-prone Phenotype in Adult Asthmatics: Multi-dimensional Analyses of Real-world Clinical Practice우성대
2022-08Late mortality prediction using blood cell counts in trauma patients who underwent emergency surgery이인경
2022-08Suicidal risk in depressed patients with the treatment by antipsychotics and antidepressant compared to antidepressant monotherapy하재호
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