Imaging carrier transport in nanoscale devices using femtosecond photocurrent microscopy

Alternative Title
Imaging carrier transport in nanoscale devices using femtosecond photocurrent microscopy
Son Byung Hee
Alternative Author(s)
Son Byung Hee
일반대학원 에너지시스템학과
The Graduate School, Ajou University
Publication Year
carrier dynamicscarrier transportfemtoseconddiffusion motion
Alternative Abstract
Investigation of charge carrier dynamics with an ultrashort time scale is one of the primary steps necessary for developing high-speed electronic devices, in particular, with future nanomaterials such as semiconducting nanowires (NWs) and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) and graphenes. The transit time of the charge carriers is the ultimate factor limiting the high frequency response of nanoscale devices; however, traditional radio-frequency measurements are often restricted by the high impedance or the RC constants of the devices. Alternatively, optical ultrafast measurement techniques can be used to investigate charge carrier dynamics with a time resolution determined by the optical pulse width. In nanoscale devices, localized effects such as metallic contacts (ohmic, Schottky), junctions (heterojunctions, P-N junctions), defects, and chemical interactions, strongly influence the overall device performance due to their nanoscale size. Therefore, it is also important to understand the carrier dynamics in conjunction with the local characteristics in various operating conditions. In order to understand these phenomena, we present a novel technique of femtosecond scanning photocurrent microscopy (fs-SPCM) in which we combine scanning photocurrent microscopy and pump-probe measurements. Using this technique, we can visualize ultrafast carrier movements in one-dimensional nanoscale devices, such as etched Si NWs from silicon-on-insulator wafers, Si NW grown using chemical vapor deposition (CVD), carbon nanotubes, and graphene transistors. We measured the transit times of ultrafast carriers generated near one metallic electrode and immediately thereafter transported toward the other side electrode through drift and diffusion processes. First, we introduce a variety of measurement techniques, such as two-dimensional (2D) spatio-temporal imaging and pump-probe photocurrent correlation imaging methods. Because our fs-SPCM technique can freely control the x-y axis locations of the pump and probe beam independently by using two pairs of galvanometers, these provide information about the movements of the charge carriers as a function of time, as well as localized energy band information in nanoscale devices. In particular, a 2D spatio-temporal imaging is very useful tool to directly observe the rate of change of the carriers according to the probe position for the fixed pump position, which provides information of the escape time and the carrier transit time very effectively. We were able to measure the carrier transit times (1–100 ps) for Si NW, SWNT, and graphene devices with different channel lengths ranging from 1 to 8 μm. We found that the carrier velocity for SWNT and graphene devices is an order of magnitude larger than that of Si NWs, which implies that the intrinsic cut-off frequency of individual SWNT and graphene devices could reach 1 THz for 1-μm channel length. Besides, we believe that our technique can be applied to a variety of semiconducting devices including the commercialized systems. Most importantly, we investigated carrier dynamics in various working conditions, such as source-drain and gate biases in nanoscale field-effect transistors. Gate-dependent measurements reveal that the carrier velocity changes linearly with the applied gate bias in accordance with increase in the electric field strength in the Schottky barrier. We also observed drift-like motion, in which the average velocity did not change noticeably with changes in the channel length. This finding is a significant deviation from the ordinary transient drift-diffusion model and has been atttributed to both surface recombination effects and the unique transport properties at high carrier kinetic energies. Conversely, the source-drain bias control results in the tailoring of the ultrashort electrical pulses, potentially useful for generating short electrical pulses. Based on these results, it will be possible to design novel devices in which we create ultrafast carrier pulses and simultaneously control their movements. Our work represents an important step toward understanding ultrafast dynamics in various nanoscale devices and toward developing future high-speed electronic devices. The results are presented, along with future goals to reduce the pulse-width in order to fabricate faster devices.

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Graduate School of Ajou University > Department of Energy Systems > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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