An Analysis of the Impact of MDG One [Eradicate Extreme Hunger and Poverty] Through the Millennium Village Projects: A Case Study of Ruhiira Uganda

Iain Watson
국제대학원 국제개발협력학과
Graduate School of International Studies Ajou University
Publication Year
International Development Cooperation
Alternative Abstract
Abstract This study analyzed the Impact of MDG One [Eradicate Extreme Hunger and Poverty] through the Millennium Village Projects (MVP) with special focus on Ruhiira MVP Uganda. This resulted from the conclusion drawn by previous scholars arguing that MVP did not contribute in eradicate extreme hunger and poverty in Africa a project which was fully funded for almost 10 years. The question to answer was why a heavenly funded project for such a long period may create so less or no impact in the community? To analyze this effectively, the study evaluated farming production trends such as before and after the MVP inception and also made a comparative analysis between the supported and none supported villages. The study also analyzed income trends such as before and after the MVP and also evaluated whether MVP improvement people’s standard of living. The study was qualitative and applied literature review as a method of data collection and analysis. The findings were in line with the study hypothesis which stated that, MVPs increased food production and therefore they contributed highly in eradicating extreme poverty and hunger in rural Sub-Saharan Africa. The study also correlated with the theoretical framework of big Push theory which assumes that foreign aid has a positive relationship with social and economic development of developing countries. The study confirmed this after the results showed that 57% of the households within the MVP had enough maize supply for 10–12 months per year, as compared to only 29% of the households in the non-supported villages The results indicated an increase in all agricultural products especially banana and the number of banana marketing groups increasing leading to elevation in banana Prices from an average of 3500-4 000 UGX per bunch in 2007 to an average of 8500 UGX by May 2010 leading to an improvement in the economic status of farmers. The study also identified a good relationship between increased in agriculture and other social and economic development. For example increase in food production in Ruhiira led to increase in school enrolment and reduced school dropout. Also child mortality, maternal mortality and general health improved tremendously due to both increase in local food consumption and elevation in income The study recommended for another study to be conducted identifying the extent to which social classes affected Ruhiira MVP, considering all the projects thematic areas other than Agriculture alone which was most scholars concentrated on

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Special Graduate Schools > Graduate School of International Studies > Department of International Development Cooperation > 3. Theses(Master)
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