交通패턴을 考慮한 長大橋梁의 擧動分析 및 維持管理模型 硏究

Alternative Title
A Study on Structural Behavior Analysis and Maintenance Models of Long-span Bridges Considering Traffic Patterns
Alternative Author(s)
Song, Pil-Yong
일반대학원 건설교통공학과
The Graduate School, Ajou University
Publication Year
본 연구는 장대교량(서해대교)에서 측정된 교통량과 변형률 데이터를 활용하여 장대교량의 교통패턴, 활하중(변형률)간의 상관성 분석 및 이를 이용한 장대교량 관리방안을 제안함이 목적이다. 통계분석 및 SSA (Singular Spectrum Analysis)기법을 이용 서해대교 교통패턴을 시간대별 (연도별, 월별, 요일별, 시간대별)로 분석하였고 서해대교 교통패턴에 영향을 주는 주기성분 (요일별, 계절별, 주중/주말별)을 순차적으로 추출하였다. 교통패턴과 변형률 상관성 분석을 통해 주중 2+4+5종 차량조합이 서해대교의 활하중 구조거동에 직접적으로 영향을 주는 요소임을 밝혔다. 한편, 실교통량을 반영해 장대교량 유지관리를 위한 차량하중모델을 제안하고 이를 기반으로한 구조해석결과, 제안된 차량하중모델이 유지관리측면에서 현행설계기준의 활하중 모델보다 더 합리적임을 밝혔다. 서해대교의 변형률 데이터의 분포에 대해 7개의 잠정 확률분포모델을 제시하고 로그우도를 통한 모델검정을 통해 Inverse Gaussian 모델이 최종 확률분포모델임을 입증하였다. 유지관리의 효율성을 위해 현행 설계기준의 사용한계상태(service limit state)와는 차별화된 유지관리한계상태(maintenance limit state)를 새롭게 제안하였다. 확률분포모델과 MLS를 이용하여 국가재난대응체계와 동일한 4단계(관심, 주의, 경계 및 심각)로 구분하여 장대교량 유지관리체계 및 단계별 대응전략을 제시하였다.
Alternative Abstract
This paper aims to analyze traffic patterns and live loads of long-span bridges and to identify the correlation between the two variables to propose the maintenance strategy of long-span bridges. To achieve this, traffic volume and strain data measured from the Seohae grand bridge were used. Using conventional statistics and singular spectrum analysis (SSA), the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly traffic patterns of the bridge are analyzed. Then, periodic components to influence on the traffic patterns of the bridge are successfully extracted by SSA. From correlation analysis between traffic patterns and strain data, it can be seen that a combination of 2, 4, and 5 vehicle classes during weekdays is a dominant traffic pattern which governs the live load-induced structural behavior. Live load models for the maintenance of long-span bridges are newly proposed using real traffic volumes passing the bridge. Computational structural analysis using these models shows that the proposed models are more suitable than those of design specifications from the viewpoint of the practical maintenance of long-span bridges. Seven probability distribution models are fitted to the strain data and their log-likelihood. Finally, the Inverse Gaussian model was identified as the best fit model for the bridge's live loads. The maintenance limit state (MLS) distinguished from the service limit states (SLS) of design specifications is newly proposed. The maintenance strategy, based on the four steps which is congruent to those steps used in national emergency response system, was proposed with using the Inverse Gaussian model and MLS concept.

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Graduate School of Ajou University > Department of Construction and Transportation Engineering > 3. Theses(Master)
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