“You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.” This is how corruption starts. Corruption is a multidimensional complexity of every society. With corruption everyone pays the price. Where corruption is present, society at large suffers particularly it has disproportionate impact on the poor and disadvantaged. Corruption can not and should not be measured in economic terms only. It is one of the main reasons for the ongoing political and economic failures of many developing countries.
Corruption is a chronic disease of Nepal. Its roots are grounded in a country’s social and cultural history, political and social development, bureaucratic tradition and policies. It is the greatest obstacles to economic and social development of Nepal. It has undermined development by distorting the rule of law and weakening the institutional foundation on which economic growth depends.
Corruption is the major factor which is responsible for sabotaging policies and programs that aim to reduce poverty. It is noteworthy that corruption in Nepal is not caused solely by poverty. People are corrupt not because of a poverty rather power, protection, incentives and favorable environment contributed to them to be corrupt. Instead of fighting against poverty with a hope to end corruption, we should fight against corruption to end poverty.
Good governance and anti-corruption should be central to its poverty alleviation mission. Anti-corruption watch dogs must target to both the supply and demand sides of corruption - those who demand bribes in exchange for services and those who supply bribes and demand preferential treatment. Government, private sector, NGO, civil society, media, and most importantly, the ordinary citizen, all have an important part to play in the anti-corruption movement. Anticorruption efforts should combine initiatives from all sectors. Multidisciplinary approach is needed in the war against corruption in the context of Nepal.