Factors influencing continuous usage on used product platforms: A uses and gratification perspective.

Juyoung Kang
일반대학원 비즈니스애널리틱스학과
The Graduate School, Ajou University
Publication Year
C2C used-product platformConsumer valueconsumer engagementcontinuous use intentionplatform attachmentrecommendation intentionuses and gratification theory
Alternative Abstract
Used product platforms have seen tremendous growth and evolution as consumers are moving towards more sustainable consumption. Recent studies on used product platforms have focused on generic platforms that are defined by a number of business models such as B2B, B2C, C2B, and C2C. However, little studies have explored C2C platform for used product transaction and the relevant factors that influence its continuous usage and recommendation. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between consumer value as gratification, consumer engagement, platform attachment, and their impact on continuous use and recommendation intention within the context of consumer (C2C) used product platforms. The research utilizes the uses and gratification theory to investigate how the consumer value acts as antecedents of consumer engagement and platform attachment. <br>Analyzing the structural equation model with survey responses from experienced users of C2C used-product platforms in Korea reveals that hedonic, utilitarian, social, environmental value representing the gratifications users seek on used product platform was found to strongly impact engagement on the used product platforms. On the other hand, only hedonic and social values directly impact users’ attachment to the used product platforms. In addition, engagement on the platform was observed to directly influence attachment to the platform. Finally, the result from the analysis showed that consumer and platform attachment were found to substantially influence continuous use intention and recommendation intention of the C2C used-product platforms. The results raise a favorable theoretical implication for future and practical implications for C2C used product and e-commerce firms.

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Graduate School of Ajou University > Department of Business analytics > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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