Is quantum prediction expected to enhance supply chain management in the hotel and hotel performance?

Byeong-Yun Chang
국제대학원 국제경영학과
Graduate School of International Studies Ajou University
Publication Year
SCM in the hotelhotel performancequantum predictionstructural equation modeling
Alternative Abstract
To ensure a sustainable hotel business, the hotel must have a sound prediction capability to balance the demand and supply of hospitality products. That such characteristics are utterly different from those of the manufacturing industry adds further challenges to a hotel’s supply chain management (SCM). The hotel’s service is spontaneously given and received by the servers and customers over a relatively short period. Similarly, demand in a hotel can change suddenly. Hence, it is difficult for SCM in the hotel to balance the hotel’s demand and supply, which shows the necessity of an efficient and effective SCM. This study has developed the research model through an extensive literature review, including six constructs: quantum prediction, communication, supplier relationship, service quality, non-financial performance, and financial performance. Statistical analysis was based on the data consolidated through survey questionnaires from individuals working in quantum computing, supply chain, and the hotel industry. Moreover, structural equation modeling has analyzed the data to test the developed hypothesis. The study results show a significant influence of quantum prediction on hotel performance through SCM’s mediating role. Quantum prediction is highly influential in enhancing the SCM in the hotel. However, the direct effect between the quantum prediction and hotel performance is not significant. The finding indicates that if hotels would install quantum technology and utilize quantum prediction, they could benefit from the performance improvement.

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Special Graduate Schools > Graduate School of International Studies > Department of International Business > International Business > 3. Theses(Master)
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