Organic Functional Dyes for Efficient Detection of Cyanide ion, Ethylamine and Hydrogen sulfide gases

일반대학원 분자과학기술학과
The Graduate School, Ajou University
Publication Year
Alternative Abstract
The development of selective and sensitive chemosensors for detection of hazard materials have attracted great attention in various field, such as chemistry, biology and the environment. Among various chemosensors, a lof of efforts to develop colorimetric chemosensor have been made due to real-time detection, low cost, high-efficiency, and easy operation. We reported new chemosensors using three dyes, which showed efficient detection of cyanide anion (CN-), ethylamine(EtNH2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gases, respectively, through changes of color by naked eyes. In chapter 1, A new D–π–A dye (dye3) was synthesized and unique spectral properties of a dye3 were investigated. Dye3 showed noticeable and reversible colorimetric/fluorometric changes in response to cyanide ion. The sensing mechanism of dye3 to the cyanide was studied with 1H NMR and theoretical calculationsThese properties suggest that dye3 can be applied to smart chemosensor which responses to cyanide ion. In chapter 2, A new isoindoline structure based chemosensor (ID1) was synthesized for ethylamine detection. Ethylamine detection was efficient based on clear color changes ID1. When exposed to mono-ethylamine, a spectral change in the UV-vis absorption spectrum of ID1 was observed, resulting in a noticeable and fast (<1.0) color change that was visually detectable. Detection mechanisms and kinetic studies were systemically investigated via 1H NMR, LC–MS characterization, association constant analyses and density functional theory (DFT)-based quantum calculations. As a result of this investigation, the mechanism is based on a nucleophilic attack. Efficient detection of ethyl amine in solutions, thin films and dyed fabrics has been demonstrated, which suggests the applicability of ID1 to simple, effective, and practical sensors. In Chapter 3, Squalyium-based colorimetric hydrogen sulfide (H2S) chemosensors (SQ1, SQ2, and SQ3) were developed, and their detection properties were systematically characterized. SQ1 exhibited rapid and high resolution H2S sensing properties through significant color changes detectable by naked-eye with limit of detection as low as 211nM. SQ1 also showed excellent selectivity for H2S detection over other relevant anions and nucleophiles. Sensing mechanisms of SQ1 were investigated based on spectroscopic and 1H NMR analyses with quantum calculations. Furthermore, SQ1 showed an efficient response to H2S under versatile conditions in the solution, solid, and dyed fabric states, which suggests applicability of SQ1 to simple, low-cost, and practical H2S sensors.

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Graduate School of Ajou University > Department of Molecular Science and Technology > 3. Theses(Master)
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