한강하구 장항습지에서 비침습적인 접근을 이용한 고라니의 개체군 구조 추정 및 먹이식물 분석

Alternative Title
Estimation of population structure and diet composition of Korean water deer (Hydropotes inermis argyropus) at Janghang wetland as non-invasive approaches on fecal samples
Alternative Author(s)
Jihee Kim
일반대학원 생명과학과
The Graduate School, Ajou University
Publication Year
Korean water deerHydropotes inermis argyropusNon-invasivemicrosatellitefeces
Alternative Abstract
Recently, non-invasive DNA sampling has provided a new method to identify individuals and to census populations using microsatellite loci as well as to study diets of animals. Janghang wetland, located in Han River estuary, is habitats for diverse organisms including endangered species. Access to the area is restricted for civilian due to itsinclusion in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) between South and North Korea, conserving the area as natural habitats for diverse organisms. Korean water deer (Hydropotes inermis argyropus), dominant mammal of Janghang wetland, is designated as vermin in Korea, but designated as Vulnerable (VU) status in the global scale by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). To estimate the population structure and diets of H. i. argyropus at Janghang wetland, I conducted non-invasive approaches collecting their fecal samples, from June 2013 to January 2015 in Janghang wetland. For estimation of their weights and ages, I measured fecal pellet sizes and compared with weights using captured individuals. After extraction of genomic DNAs, highly variable microsatellite loci were amplified and compared to identify individuals. Population size was estimated by the number of analyzed unique genotypes using a rarefaction curve. In addition, ITS2 and rbcL region were amplified for dietary analysis. Regression lines and saturation curves were obtained among age, weight, and the fecal pellet size. Their weights have saturated at approximately 14.947 kg, and fecal pellet size, at 44.8811 mm2 as Hydropotes inermis argyropus gets older. With fecal samples, proportion of feces below 44.8811 mm2 was relatively high throughout the study period. Eight microsatellite loci were selected and used for individual identification. Total 12 individuals were identified from total 28 fecal samples. With a rarefaction curve, young population size was estimated as approximately 24 in Janghang wetland. From the dietary analysis, I could detected plant species in 33 genera and 19 familie. The result showed that Hydropotes inermis argyropus living in Janghang wetland mainly preferred Salicaceae (26.67%) followed by Fabaceae (20%) and Gramineae (15.24%). Particularly in winter, the relative frequencies of detected woody plants were as much higher as 80%. Non-invasive approaches using feces provide diverse information on populations of animal with minimal disturbances for their environments. In the further study, dietary analyses of species at upper trophic level based on non-invasive samples are necessary to comprehend energy flows in Janghang wetland. In addition, more accurate identification of individuals and estimation of weight could be of help to estimate secondary productivity of grazers such as Hydropotes inermis argyropus.

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Graduate School of Ajou University > Department of Bioscience > 3. Theses(Master)
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