Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Gac Oil from Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng for Skin Anti-aging Compounds

Alternative Title
Nguyen Van Thinh
Thinh, Nguyen Van
Alternative Author(s)
Nguyen Van Thinh
Sang-Yo Byun
일반대학원 응용생명공학과
The Graduate School, Ajou University
Publication Year
Momordica cochinchinensisSupercritical Fluid ExtractionSkin Anti aging
Alternative Abstract
This study aims at optimizing the supercritical fluid extraction of Gac oil from a Vietnamese plant named ?Gấc?, which has commonly been known as ?the fruit from heaven? for its nutrient and medical benefits. The effects of extraction conditions such as temperature and pressure were evaluated. Among the extraction conditions, effect of pressure on SFE was stronger than that of temperature. At temperature of 80oC, pressure of 350 bar, S/F ratio of 69.12, 91.43% Gac oil was extracted. Besides, the SFE results confirmed that Gac oil can be easily extracted by SFE. At temperature of 80oC, pressure of 350 bar, Gac oil solubility was 1.28 time higer than coffee oil The results of GC and HPLC analysis of Gac oil showed high contents of antioxidant. Gac oil contains a large amount of carotenoids especially lycopene, ?- carotene, theirs isomers and high contents of valuable fatty acids such as Olecic acid (49.5%), Palmitic acid (25.6%), linoleic (18.32%), Stearic Acid (5.3%). The DPPH scavenging assay was conducted to assure the antioxidant activity. ROS scavenging activities of Gac oil was much higher than coffee oil. These important results lead to a study on anti-aging effects of Gac oil, which proteomics study were used as an effective method for investigating the regulation of photo-aging related proteins. The proteome result showed the regulation of some proteins related to anti-aging process in which the decrease of MMP-13, cathepsin precursor and increase of interleukin 1 ? confirmed anti-aging activity of Gac oil. Especially, Gac oil decreases the expression of MMP-13, which is one of the most effective collagenase in skin photo-aging. The regulation of proteins related to skin aging caused by Gac oil asserted the role of antioxidant activities of carotenoid in Gac to skin anti-aging through down-regulating factors related to collagen degradation, proving effective activity of Gac oil on UV-damaged skin, and suggesting a development of anti-aging compounds in cosmetic applications.

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Graduate School of Ajou University > Department of Applied Biotechnology > 3. Theses(Master)
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