수술 전 5일 이내까지 이중항혈소판 요법을 시행받은, 빈혈이 동반된 무체외순환관상동맥우회술을 시행 받는 환자에서 Tranexamic Acid가 출혈과 수혈량에 미치는 영향

Alternative Title
Ahn Sowoon
SoWoon Ahn
Alternative Author(s)
Ahn Sowoon
일반대학원 의학과
The Graduate School, Ajou University
Publication Year
Dual Antiplatelet Therapyanemiatranexamic acidoff-pump coronary artery bypass
Alternative Abstract
Background: Anemia is not rare in patients presenting for coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG). As these patients are frequently on dual antiplatelet therapy, the two coexisting conditions could potentially increase the risk of bleeding and transfusion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of tranexamic acid (TA) on blood loss and transfusion in preoperatively anemic patients who continued their dual antiplatelet therapy until within 5 days of off-pump CABG (OPCAB). Methods and Results: Seventy-six anemic patients were randomized into two groups: a TA group receiving TA (1 g bolus followed by infusion at 200 mg h-1) and a Control group receiving the same volume of saline. The amount of blood loss at 4h and 24h after operation were measured. And transfusion requirement during operation, 4h and 24 h after the operation were assessed. Patients’ characteristics and operative data were similar between the groups. During the perioperative period combining the intraoperative and postoperative 24 h, TA group received significantly less amounts of packed red blood cells and fresh frozen plasma. The blood loss during the postoperative 4 h was significantly less in the TA group. Conclusions: TA infusion could reduce the amount of transfusion during perioperative period in patients with preoperative anemia who continued their dual antiplatelet therapy until within 5 days of OPCAB.

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Graduate School of Ajou University > Department of Medicine > 3. Theses(Master)
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