개인특성과 조직형태의 적합성과 개인-조직간 적합성이 조직유효성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

Alternative Title
Yang Hoe Chang
Alternative Author(s)
Yang Hoe Chang
일반대학원 경영학과
The Graduate School, Ajou University
Publication Year
Alternative Abstract
How can reform and restructuring efforts be successful? Is the American way always appropriate in other cultures? The nature of work is changing and the Person-Environment (P-E) fit theory is a general framework that has been used extensively to understand thinking and behavior in organizations. Specifically, the understanding of Person-Organization (P-O) fit, a sub-domain of P-E fit, has become an increasingly important aspect of successful reform and restructuring. This study focused on the characteristics of public, private and hybrid organizations in South Korea and explored the relationships between personality traits (extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, intrinsic motivation, and self-efficacy), and organizational climate variables such as organizational relationship quality (colleague support, colleague conflict and role stress) and organizational effective outcomes (job satisfaction, organizational commitment, OCB, and turnover intention). This study also examined the relationship between personality variables and organizational effective outcomes (i.e., the person side of P-O fit), and between positive collegial organizational climate and organizational effective outcomes (i.e., the organization side of P-O fit) with facilitating variables (e.g. intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy). Overall, the results showed levels of role stress, intrinsic motivation and turnover intention were highest in the private organization. But levels of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, OCB and implicit job satisfaction were highest in the hybrid organization. Consistent with expectations of the characteristics of public organizations in Korea, levels of agreeableness and impression management were highest in the public organization because of the characteristics of public organizations (e.g., social responsibility, variety of regulations, limited autonomy and freedoms). But the highest levels of role stress and turnover intention in private organizations may reflect an organizational culture that promotes competition, and consistent with the notion that private organization members are motivated by a system that compensates based on individual effort. Higher level of job security and the higher level of pay offered by hybrid organizations may have a large positive effect on job satisfaction. And the highest levels in organizational commitment, OCB, impression management and implicit job satisfaction in hybrid may reflect the fact that it enjoys the influence of having the positive qualities of both public and private organizations. Results of two-way interaction analysis investigating the relationship between key variables by organizational type showed significant differences between organization type for the relationship between extraversion and job satisfaction, conscientiousness and OCB, self-efficacy and job satisfaction and the relationship between intrinsic motivation and OCB. The three-way interactions showed that the relationship between several key variables was significantly moderated by organizational type and collegial relations in private and hybrid organizations compared to public organizations. Specifically, this shows that employees with high levels of extraversion in public organizations will feel more job satisfaction than in hybrid organizations when they perceive positive collegial relationships. Also, this implies that they feel less job satisfaction in public than private organizations when they perceive negative collegial relationships. The relationship between extraversion and OCB shows that employees with high levels of extraversion will show more OCB in public organizations compared to public organizations when they perceive positive collegial relationships. The relationship between conscientiousness and OCB shows that employees with high levels of conscientiousness in public organizations will show more OCB compared to hybrid organizations when they perceive positive collegial relationships. The relationship between intrinsic motivation and OCB shows that employees with high levels of intrinsic motivation in hybrid organizations will be show more OCB compared to public organizations. The relationship between self-efficacy and OCB, and the relationship between self-efficacy and turnover intention shows that employees with high levels of self-efficacy in private organizations will show more OCB and experience less turnover intentions compared to public organizations when they perceive positive collegial relationships. Investigation of the three-way interactions showed that agreeableness and OCB was significantly moderated by organizational type and colleague conflict in hybrid organizations compared to public organizations. This result shows that employees with higher levels of agreeableness in hybrid organizations will show more OCB than in public organizations when they perceive negative collegial relationships. This result reflects that those who are high in agreeableness are more likely to use constructive tactics when in conflict with others, whereas people low in agreeableness are more likely to use coercive tactics (Jensen-Capbell & Graziano, 2001). SEM analyses testing whether facilitating variables would enhance the relationships between positive collegial environment, job satisfaction and organizational outcomes model were tested. Interestingly, the facilitating variables led to lower turnover intention with positive collegial relations in the overall sample. These results suggest that by providing a positive atmosphere and finding ways to encourage employee self-development (i.e. facilitating intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy), would increase P-O fit, and would lead to greater job satisfaction and lower turnover intentions. Furthermore, exploratory analyses revealed that intrinsic motivation was a superior facilitating factor than extrinsic motivation. Results are discussed in light of differences between Western and South Korean cultural perspectives. In addition, an implicit measure of job satisfaction was developed, which demonstrated divergence from self-report methods.

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Graduate School of Ajou University > Department of Business Administration > 3. Theses(Master)
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