Regulatory Mechanisms of Mitotic Catastrophe Induced by Doxorubicin

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dc.description학위논문(박사)--아주대학교 대학원 :의학과,2005-
dc.description.abstractDoxorubicin을 50 ng/ml 농도로 human hepatoma cell line 인 Huh-7 cells에 처리를 하면 시간이 지남에 따라 세포 크기가 커지고 납작해지면서 senescence associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal)의 활성이 증가하는 노화유사 표현형 (senescence-like plenotype; SLP)이 관찰되었다. 이러한 SLP 가 유도되는 동안 doxorubicin이 3일간 처리된 Huh-7 세포의 약 30% 에서 multipolar spindle 구조가 관찰되었고 이러한 multipolar spindle 구조에 의한 abnormal mitosis 일어남으로서 여러 개의 핵 (multiple nuclei) 이나 아주 작은 핵 (micronuclei) 들을 가진 세포들이 시간에 따라 크게 증가하였다 (mitotic catastrophe). 6일 정도에 SLP가 최고에 도달한 이후 세포의 생존도는 서서히 apoptosis가 아닌 mitotic catastrophe 가 원인이 되는 세포사에 의해 감소하기 시작하여 doxorubicin 처리 9일째에 50% 정도의 세포사가 관찰되었다. Mitotic catastrophe에 의한 cell death 시에는 세포막을 구성하는 phosphatidyl serine의 위치변화 및 mitochondria로부터 cytochrome c 가 세포질로 방출되는 현상이 apoptosis 시와 공통되게 관찰되었으나, stress activated MAPK (p38, JNK) 및 caspases 들의 활성화가 apoptosis와 다르게 거의 나타나지 않았으며, 또한, 핵막의 integrity가 소실됨이 관찰 되었는데 이러한 결과들은 Huh-7 세포에서 관찰되는 mitotic catastrophe에 의한 cell death는 apoptosis와는 전혀 다른 necrosis와 유사한 세포사멸 기전임을 확인하였다. 이러한 LD doxorubicin에 의한 cell death의 원인인 mitotic catastrophe (혹은, mutinucleation)의 조절 기전을 이해하기 위하여, p21 유전자를 가지고 있거나 (P21+/+) 혹은 가지고 있지 않은 (P21-/-) human colorectal carcinoma cell line인 HCT116 세포에 doxorubicin을 처리한 후 multinucleation 정도를 비교하였다. p21을 발현할 수 있는 세포에서는 (p21+/+ cells) multinucleation 이 유도되지 않는 반면에, p21이 없는 세포 (p21-/- cells) 에서는 multinucleation이 관찰되었다. 또한, 50 nM의 doxorubicin이 처리된 p21+/+ 세포는 G₁cell cycle에 세포들이 arrest 되는 반면 p21-/- 세포들에서는 특정 cell cycle에 arrest 되지 않으면서 Cdc2 및 Cdk2 활성이 그대로 유지되었다. Cdc2 와 Cdk2 활성 억제제인 roscovitine 이나 purvalanol A를 p21-/- 세포에 처리하는 경우, multinucleation 생성을 감소시킬 수 있었는데, 이러한 사실은 p21-/- 세포에서 Cdc2 와 Cdk2의 활성 유지가 multinucleation 생성에 매우 중요하게 작용함을 시사한다. 그러나 500 nM의 doxorubicin을 처리하면 p21의 유무에 상관없이 ATM/Chk signaling pathway가 활성화 됨으로서 G₂cell cycle arrest 가 유도되고 multinucleation은 생성되지 않았다. 그러나, ATM/Chk signaling pathway의 활성을 억제할 수 있는 caffeine을 함께 처리하면 p21+/+ 세포는 G₂phase arrest 가 풀린 후 G₁phase에서 다시 arrest가 되면서 multinucleation은 유도되지 않았다. p21-/- 세포에서는 G₁cell cycle arrest 가 관찰되지 않았고 multinucleation 생성은 caffeine 농도에 의존적으로 크게 증가하였다. 결론적으로 doxorubicin은 abnormal mitosis가 원인이 되어 multinucleation 을 유도하는데, 이러한 multinucleation의 유도를 위해서는 Cdc2 및 Cdk2 활성이 요구되며, 또한, DNA damage 후 특정 cell cycle arrest (G₁or G₂)가 일어나지 않는 조건을 필요로 한다는 사실을 확인하였다. 따라서 p21은 LD doxorubicin 에 노출된 세포에서 Cdc2 및 Cdk2 의 활성을 억제함으로서 multinucleation 생성을 막는데 반드시 필요하지만, MD doxorubicin은 p21의 존재유무에 상관 없이 G₂arrest를 유도시킴으로서 multinucleation 생성을 억제하지만 이러한 G₂arrest를 극복하는 세포에서는 p21이 G₂arrest 이외에 부가적으로 작용하여 이 세포들을 다시 G₁phase 에 arrest 를 시킴으로서 multinucleation 생성을 억제할 수 있다.-
dc.description.tableofcontentsTABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE = 1 ABSTRACT = 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS = 5 LIST OF FIGURES = 10 LIST OF TABLE = 12 Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION = 13 Ⅱ. MATERIALS AND METHODS = 18 A. Cells and Culture Conditions = 18 B. SA-β-gal Activity Assay = 19 C. Measurement of Cellular Viability = 19 D. Transmission Electron Microscopic Examination = 20 E. Annexin-V/Propidium Iodide Staining = 20 F. Immunoblotting = 21 G. Immunocytochemistry = 22 H. RT-PCR Analysis = 23 I. Assassment of Nuclear Translocation of NF-kB = 24 J. Cell Cycle Analysis = 24 K. Subcellular Fractionation for Analysis of the Release of Mitochondrial Cytochrome c = 24 L. Cdc2 and Cdk2 Kinase Assay = 25 Ⅲ. RESULTS = 28 A. Part Ⅰ. Two distinct modes of cell death induced by doxorubicin: apoptosis and cell death by mitotic catastrophe accompanying senescence-like phenotype = 28 1. LD doxorubicin induces SLP and cell death by mitotic catastrophe = 28 2. Several mitosis-controlling proteins are down-regulated during the induction of SLP and cell death through mitotic catastrophe by LD doxorubicin = 38 3. Induction of SLP and cell death through mitotic catastrophe is observed in many human HCC cell lines treated with LD doxorubicin = 40 4. Differences in cellular morphologies and kinetics between LD doxorubicin-induced cell death by mitotic catastrophe and HD doxorubicin-induced apoptosis = 42 5. Integrity of the plasma membrane is not lost from the initial phase of LD doxorubicin-induced cell death through mitotic catastrophe = 47 6. Nuclear lamin B distribution differs in cells undergoing LD doxorubicin-induced cell death and HD doxorubicin-induced apoptosis = 49 7. Mitochondrial cytochrome c is released both in doxorubicin-induced apoptosis and cell death through mitotic catastrophe = 50 8. p38, JNK MAP kinases, and NF-kB are significantly activated during doxorubicin-induced apoptosis but not cell death through mitotic catastrophe = 50 9. Caspases are significantly activated during doxorubicin-induced apoptosis but not cell death through mitotic catastrophe = 53 B. Part Ⅱ. p21 is dispensable for G2/M arrest induced by moderate dose of doxorubicin, but indispensable for blocking of multinucleation induced by low dose of doxorubicin = 61 10. A significant multinucleation is induced by low dose of doxorubicin in p21-/- cells = 61 11. Abnormal spindle structures are frequently observed in p21-/- cells treated with LD doxorubicin = 64 12. G₁cell cycle arrest in responses to LD doxorubicin is not occurred in p21-/- cells = 67 13. Activation of DNA damage checkpoint proteins and p53 is not significant in response to LD doxorubicin = 67 14. Failure in the inhibition of Cdc2 and/or Cdk2 activity in p21-/- cells treated with LD doxorubicin may be associated with induction of multinucleation = 68 15. G₂cell cycle arrest is induced both in p21+/+ and p21-/- cells treated with 500 nM doxorubicin = 73 16. Multiple DNA checkpoint signaling pathways are activated in MD doxorubicin-induced G2/M arrest = 75 17. Abrogation of G₂/M arrest by caffeine accelerates multinucleation in p21-/- cells treated with MD doxorubicin. = 77 Ⅳ. DISCUSSION = 83 Part Ⅰ Two distinct modes of cell death induced by doxorubicin in hepatocellular carcinoma cells: apoptosis and cell death by mitotic catastrophe accompanying senescence-like phenotype = 83 1. LD doxorubicin induces SLP and cell death by mitotic catastrophe = 83 2. Caspases are significantly activated during doxorubicin-induced apoptosis but not cell death through mitotic catastrophe = 87 3. Depletion of multiple mitotic checkpoint proteins by LD doxorubicin = 88 Part Ⅱ. p21 is dispensable for G2/M arrest induced by moderate dose of doxorubicin, but indispensable for blocking of multinucleation induced by low dose of doxorubicin = 91 4. Low dose of doxorubicin induced multinucleation in p21-/- cells, but not in p21+/+ cells. = 91 5. Moderate dose of doxorubicin induced G₂arrest both in p21+/+ and p21-/- cells. = 92 Ⅴ. CONCLUSION = 95 REFERENCES = 96 국문요약 = 110 LIST OF PUBLISHED PAPERS = 114-
dc.publisherThe Graduate School, Ajou University-
dc.rights아주대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.-
dc.titleRegulatory Mechanisms of Mitotic Catastrophe Induced by Doxorubicin-
dc.title.alternativeDoxorubicin Doxorubicin에 의해 유도되는 mitotic Catastrophe 조절기전 연구-
dc.contributor.affiliation아주대학교 일반대학원-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameEom, Young-Woo-
dc.contributor.department일반대학원 의학계열- 2-
dc.description.alternativeAbstractPurpose: Doxorubicin may act through DNA intercalation/binding, inhibition of topoisomerase II, free radical generation, or damage to cell membranes and induce apoptosis, senescence or mitotic catastrophe. Because low dose of doxorubicin induce senescence or mitotic cell death, we attempted to investigate the possible link between the drug-induced senescence and mitotic cell death as comparing with apoptotic cell death induced by high doses of doxorubicin in human hepatoma cells. And we examined the role of p21 in the prevention of doxorubicin-induced mitotic catastrophe (or multinucleation) to understand the regulatory mechanisms of mitotic catastrophe in human colorectal carcinoma cells. Materials and Methods: We used human hepatoma (Huh-7) and human hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines (SNU-354, -398, -449, and -475) to distinguish the mode of low doses (LD) of doxorubicin-induced cell death from that of apoptosis induced by high doses (HD) of the same drug, morphologically and biochemically, and human colorectal carcinoma cell line HCT116 to understand the regulatory mechanisms of mitotic catastrophe induced by doxorubicin. We checked changes of several senescence markers, such as SA-beta-galactosidase activity and osteonectin, SM22, TGase II, and PAI-1 expressions by RT-PCR, and evaluated morphological and biochemical differences between mitotic catastrophe and apoptosis using electron or fluorescence microscophy and western blotting. To know the role of p21 in multinucleation formation we analyzed the cell cycle profiles using FACS, activities of Cdc2 or Cdk2. Results: LD doxorubicin induced abnormal mitosis and then senescence-like phenotype (SLP) in Huh-7 human hepatoma cell lines. Subsequently, these cells were undergoing cell death through mitotic catastrophe which was caused by abnormal mitosis. Cellular morphologies and biochemical characters of mitotic cell death were different to HD doxorubicin-induced apoptosis. 1) Membrane morphology changed during the mitotic cell death was similar to those observed in necrosis. 2) Nuclear lamin B distribution differed in cells undergoing LD doxorubicin-induced mitotic cell death and HD doxorubicin-induced apoptosis. 3) Mitochondrial cytochrome c was released both in doxorubicin-induced apoptosis and mitotic cell death. 4) p38, JNK MAP kinases, and NF-kB were significantly activated during doxorubicin-induced apoptosis but not mitotic cell death. 5) Caspases were significantly activated during doxorubicin-induced apoptosis but not mitotic cell death In HCT116 human colorectal carcinoma cells, LD doxorubicin induced multinucleation in p21-/- cells, but not in p21+/+ cells. In p21-/- cells, abnormal mitosis caused by multi-polar spindle structures were observed and activities of Cdc2 and Cdk2 were not decreased. But in p21+/+ cells, LD doxorubicin induced G₁cell cycle accumulation and decrease of activities of Cdc2 and Cdk2. These multinucleation observed in LD doxorubicin-treated p21-/- cells was dramatically decreased by pre-treatment with Purvalanol A, an inhibitor of Cdc2 and Cdk2. But 500 nM doxorubicin induced G₂cell cycle arrest both in p21+/+ and p21-/- cells. G₂cell cycle arrest induced by 500 nM doxorubicin was caused from ATM/Chk signaling pathways. Although caffeine abrogated G₂arrest both in p21+/+ and p21-/- cells, multinucleation was accelerated only in p21-/- cells. Conclusion: In part I, LD doxorubicin induces SLP in Huh-7 human hepatoma cells, and then those cells with SLP subsequently died by abnormal mitosis or mitotic catastrophe. And two distinct modes of cell death by doxorubicin were due to differences in cellular morphologies and many biochemical characters. In part II, p21 played a key role in preventing multinucleation via G₁or G₂cell cycle arrest induced by 50 or 500 nM doxorubicin, respectively. Even though G₂arrest was abrogated by caffeine, multinucleation was prevented in p21+/+ cells because p21 induced again cell cycle arrest at G₁phase.-
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