Characteristics of Pickering Emulsion were systematically analyzed for
cosmetic application. Analytical conditions were optimized of Arbutin
(whitening ingredient) and Ceramides (intercellular lipid) to verify the
functionality of them. The transdermal absorption of 24 hours was
measured by franz diffusion cell, and the transdermal absorption of active
ingredient was determination by HPLC and ESI-MS compared with the
classic emulsion. In the O/W formulation contain Arbutin, the pickering
emulsion showed active ingredients are 50% higher skin absorption and
100% higher skin residual, in the W/O formulation contain Ceramides,
pickering emulsion were 0.022~0.08 (ug/ml) and classic emulsion
0.017~0.102 (ug/ml), both formulations showed similar value of net
transferred ceramide concentration. Based on observed stability of Zeta
potential and each temperature for 2 months of the visual test, all four
formulations were stable. In addition, applying them as new cosmetic
formulations that can differentiate in usability of “Water in Air” identified
products with marketability.