Education which we all know is a basic necessity throughout the world is still very much lacking or inadequate in most parts of developing countries in the world including Cameroon. Foreign aid has been one of the many tools used in curbing out the illiteracy level in these developing countries but how it has been done over the past years has left the situation unresolved. Many channels has been used so far to help these countries out of the illiteracy trap such as through leaders of the various countries involved or organizations aimed at meeting the needs of those that fall in this gap, but it has however proven not working in many visible happenings in these countries. In this thesis my interest is on finding out if this aid is given indirectly through healthcare which will in turn impact education, will make any difference in the literacy gap. The significance of aid is known and felt all over developing countries and Cameroon inclusive. I will be using analytic approach to show how aid given indirectly through health care can greatly impact education.Some statistical data to support my suggestion of the channel of aid to education should be through healthcare which will greatly impact literacy and not directly to education which of course may never reach its beneficiaries.