Quality Education as a means to economic development

Iain Watson
국제대학원 국제개발협력학과
Graduate School of International Studies Ajou University
Publication Year
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ABSTRACT This thesis focuses on quality education as a means to economic development as peculiar to Nigeria. One of the fundamentals and a very important tool for social Economic development of any nations is EDUCATION, It is not only the foundation for any meaningful economic development it is what actually triggers , drive and sustains economic development , thus it is the anchor as well as the catalyst for sustainable social economic development., it has being widely acknowledged and accepted that no nation can raise the quality standard of life of its citizens which includes the quality standard of living, increase in life expectancy increase in income and access to quality health care without a deliberate and constant, if not sustained investment in Education, which Is also known as human capital either through formal or informal education However input determines the output, the level of quality of education available to the citizens will ultimately determines the level and quality of their developments economically, which validates the popular saying that you cannot plant yam and harvest cassava; they quality of your inputs determines the quality of your output. As I have noted above that Education is both the Foundation and the catalyst for economic development it is also an instrument of promoting peace and unity; Quality education enriches peoples to understanding themselves and appreciate their diversity to see it as an advantage rather than a treat , when the citizens are educated and enlightened, they seem to be more tolerant and understanding which leads to a stable nation thereby creating an conducive environment for sustainable economic development. There is no development in an unstable environment, it scares away investors and education will be the first to suffer in any unstable society or insecurity. Through education, the standard of living of the nation’s changes and it improves the qualities of life that will be of social benefits of individual and society at large. When the population has equal access to quality education, it raises their productivity and increases wealth, and more entrepreneurs emerge creating more job opportunity. Educations advance the course of technology which helps to eliminate waste and increase efficiency.

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Special Graduate Schools > Graduate School of International Studies > Department of International Development Cooperation > 3. Theses(Master)
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