Energy management and Routing issues are correlated in most of the
applications for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Routing in WSNs mainly
focuses on Geographical/Shortest Path Routing (SPR) which takes linear
shortest distance as the routing metric. The shortest traveled distances mostly
traverse through the centre of the network that leads to the uneven distribution
of traffic load. This results into more energy consumption in the central region
of the network. As a solution, in this thesis, the energy usage fairness is
introduced by proposing a type of routing which balances the load in the entire
network. We propose Spherical Mapping based Routing (SMR) which maps a
grid onto a sphere using spherical coordinates and takes circular shortest
distance on the surface of the sphere as the routing metric. Our protocol not
only balances the load but also makes sure that the average load and stretch
factor for the network do not go out of bounds.
In our analytical and simulation evaluation, we have compared our routing
protocol with the state of the art work in the load balancing routing. We deduce
an improvement of 26% in the stretch factor, and 33% in the average load per
node ? that results into fair energy distribution per node.