Ateufack, Asongfack Heritter
국제대학원 국제개발협력학과
Graduate School of International Studies Ajou University
Publication Year
Alternative Abstract
The environment has become the focus of every nation in the world today because of the rate at which it is being exploited. The recognition of this led to the inclusion of the environment as one of the 8 MDGs. As a result of the many problems that mankind is facing today stemming from environmental degradation and pollution leading to climate change and human insecurity such as food insecurity, health problems and others, there has become a greater need for environmental sustainability by all stakeholders in the world. This study therefore examine the causes and the policies that have been put in place such as the establishment of the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) and its cooperation with external organizations in reducing the rate of shrinkage of the lake and the revitalization of the Lake Chad Basin ecosystem. Further discussed in this research are the negative effects the shrinkage of the lake is having on human security in the Northern part of Cameroon. If these policies have been put in place the question then is why are these policies not working? This research has looked at some of these policies and projects put in place and why they are failing with some recommendations made especially in strengthening the level of cooperation and co-ordination between the riparian states and the LCBC. The practice of environmental sustainability is now the order of the day with the case of Lake Chad which is a trans-boundary natural water resource found in the Sahel region and used by many countries. This lake is under the constant threat of natural factors such as drought since it is found at the fringes of the Sahara desert and further constraining the lake are anthropogenic factors such as the growing population of the area. Because this high population depends solely on Lake Chad for survival, the lake has been exploited unsustainably and uncontrollably and as a result, the lake has been greatly affected causing it to shrink rapidly than was in the early 1960s. The result of such shrinkage of the lake is the effects it is having on human security in the entire basin and in the northern part of Cameroon in particular.

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Special Graduate Schools > Graduate School of International Studies > Department of International Development Cooperation > 3. Theses(Master)
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