베트남 은행업무 구조조정 : 한국의 은행 시스템 구조조정으로 부터의 교휸

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dc.contributor.authorCuong, Nguyen Manh-
dc.description학위논문(석사)--아주대학교 국제대학원--국제경영학과,2006. 8-
dc.description.tableofcontentsChapter I. Introduction 7 I. The motivation 7 II. Objectives 7 III. Research methodology and expected outcome of this thesis 8 Chapter II. Banking restructuring process in Korean before and after financial and monetary crisis 9 I. The fall of Korean banking system in Asian financial crisis 9 1. Overview of the Korean banking system 9 2. The analysis of the Korean banking crisis 17 The role of the Korean government in banking system reform 17 Poor performance of cheabols 19 The weak banking system 21 Careless financial liberalization 22 II. Banking reform in Korea 25 1. The actions of the Korean government 25 2. The results of the actions made by the Korean government 27 The use of public funds 27 Achievements 28 Chapter III. Banking reform in Vietnam: An important step to integrate into the world economy 32 I. Overview of the Vietnamese banking system 32 II. The analysis of the Vietnamese banking system 35 1. The close relationship among government, banks and state-owned company (SOE) ? the main reason of bad NPLs burden 35 2. Other weaknesses of the Vietnamese banking system 40 The dependence of the SBV 40 Weak Capital Base 41 Regulatory and Operational Issues 42 III. Vietnamese banking reform process 43 1. Strong pressure on the banking system toward the world economy integration 43 2. The implementation of the banking reform 43 Chapter IV. Some sugessions in banking reform process in Vietnam: Lesson from the restructuring of the Korean banking system 45 I. Strengthen the transparency, creditability and soundness of the Vietnam Banking System 45 1. Regulatory and Operational Issues 45 2. Protecting Deposits and Moral Hazard 47 II. Resolution NPLs of the banks 47 1. Writing-Off from Reserves 47 2. Shareholder Capital Injection and Re-Capitalization 48 3. Merger and Acquisition 48 4. Re-Capitalization and Commercialization of State-Owned Commercial Banks 49 5. Liquidation 51 6. Reforms of the State-owned sector as well as develop the private sector 51 III. Other solutions 53 1. Investments in Human Capital 53 2. Strengthen Governance Structure and engage in Twinning Arrangements 53 Chapter V. Conclusion 55-
dc.publisherGraduate School of International Studies Ajou University-
dc.rights아주대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.-
dc.title베트남 은행업무 구조조정 : 한국의 은행 시스템 구조조정으로 부터의 교휸-
dc.title.alternativeNguyen Manh Cuong-
dc.contributor.affiliation아주대학교 국제대학원-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameNguyen Manh Cuong-
dc.contributor.department국제대학원 국제경영학과-
dc.date.awarded2006. 8-
dc.description.alternativeAbstractABSTRACT Vietnam is now on the way to access WTO and actively integrate into the global economy. To do so, Vietnam has to reform its economy to adapt the world-wide competition and meet the requirements for that integration. One of very important sector that must be reformed as soon as good is financial sector. During nearly 20 of implementation ?Renovation? process, known as doi moi, Vietnam has achieved significant successes in reforming its weak and inefficient financial system. Several big commercial banks were established and have been operated independently with State Bank of Vietnam. In addition to the state bank of Vietnam, there is a group of joint stock banks that are permitted to mobilize money and make loans. Recently, the stock market has been opened with two security stock exchange centers at the North and the South. Vietnamese government is also trying to improve its financial legal framework to create more favorable conditions for accelerating the financial sector reform process. However, the financial system of Vietnam remains very thin. The percentage of non-performing debt in banking system, which is still dominated by state, is still considerable high. There was little consumer lending and few financial instruments were available. The secondary credit markets and reinsurance markets that server to offset uncertainty and risks in advanced economies were almost entirely absent. Therefore, the demand to reform the financial sector is extreme necessary, especially when this country is trying to be a member of WTO by the end of 2006. The government has implemented many programs, policies?to improve this financial sector from 1986 up to now. However, Vietnamese financial reform process is still a controversial issue that wastes a lot of ink and paper of many economists, policy makers?What steps should be taken to restructure the banking system? How and in what way to develop capital market effectively? What do the financial system must prepare to access WTO smoothly? Korean financial crisis started from 1998 seriously devastated not only its financial system but also the whole economy. Right after that crisis, the Korean government has been carried you a wide range of resolutions to restructure its banking system individually and financial sector as a whole. Thanks to those resolutions, Korean economy gradually recovered and developed consistently. What are the lessons that Vietnam can learn or should not learn from Korean financial sector reform process? Based on Korean lesson, what should the Vietnamese government do to deal with all the above questions? Based on those facts, the research named ?Banking reform in Vietnam: Lesson from restructuring banking system of Korea? is aimed to find out useful experience of Korea in restructuring their banking system and then, make some comments, suggestions or solutions to what the Vietnamese government is doing in order to restructure and reform its financial system to be more competitive and effective.-
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