Role of NGOs in supporting migrant workers in South Korea

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dc.contributor.authorThapa, Dhiraj-
dc.description학위논문(석사)----아주대학교 국제대학원--NGO학과,2008.12-
dc.description.tableofcontentsTABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS II ABBREVIATIONS III LIST OF TABLES IV TABLE OF CONTENTS V CHAPTER ONE 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 The Statement of Problem 3 1.3 The Purpose Statement 4 1.4 The Significance of the Study 5 1.5 Research Questions 6 1.6 Research Methodology 6 1.6.1 Field Procedures and Information Analysis 7 1.6.2 Information Collection (Primary and Secondary) 7 1.7 Limitation of the Study 8 CHAPTER TWO 9 2.1 Literature Review and Theoretical Framework 9 CHAPTER THREE 21 3.1 Historical Background of Nepalese Migration in South Korea 21 3.2 Migrant Labor Policy in Korea 23 3.2.1 Migrant Labor Recruitment System in South Korea 23 3.2.2 Foreign Industrial Trainee System (FITS) 23 3.2.3. The Employment Permit System (EPS) 25 3.3 The Problems and Issues of Nepalese Migrant Workers 28 3.3.1. The Problem of Nepalese Legal Migrants 34 Dangerous Labor Environment 37 Language Problem at Work 38 Medical Treatment and Health Insurance 38 Payment 39 Violence and Abuse in the Workplace 41 3.3.2 The Problems and Issues with Overstayed Nepalese Migrants 42 Fear of Arrest, Detention and Deportation 45 CHAPTER FOUR 48 4.1 The Activities and Limitations of NGOs Supporting Nepalese Migrant Workers in South Korea 48 4.2 NGOs’ Supporting Cases for Nepalese Migrant Workers 55 CHAPTER FIVE 61 5.1 Conclusion 61 REFERENCES 68 |LIST OF TABLES TALBE 1: Flow of Migrant Workers in South Korea from 1997 to 2007 TABLE 2: Number of Migrant Workers by their Status of Sojourn in 2007 TABLE 3: Data of undocumented migrants and deportation from 2000-2005-
dc.publisherGraduate School of International Studies Ajou University-
dc.rights아주대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.-
dc.titleRole of NGOs in supporting migrant workers in South Korea-
dc.title.alternativeThapa, Dhiraj-
dc.contributor.affiliation아주대학교 국제대학원-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameThapa, Dhiraj-
dc.contributor.department국제대학원 NGO학과-
dc.subject.keywordmigrant worker-
dc.description.alternativeAbstractABSTRACT According to the data of labor ministry of Nepal in March 2008 there are 5348 Nepalese migrant workers in South Korea both regular and irregular who have been living and working in various companies across South Korea since 1985 after the South Korean government opened its door to foreign migrants workers to work here at the various sectors like manufacturing, construction, farming and stock-breeding. Even though the labor rights in South Korea have protected the right of these workers in the government law, their rights have regularly been under threat. Considering the very fact, NGOs and the South Korean government agencies have been trying their best to ensure their rights and improve their working conditions; their activities, however, have fallen short of guarantying their rights. Many newspapers and human right NGOs in South Korea have regularly reported the violations of migrant workers rights and misbehavior towards them in workplaces which includes low wages, long working hours, safety at the working place, job security, verbal abuses, and long hour working than indicated and there are also reports sometimes with physical abuses. This study attempts to find out the situations of Nepalese migrant workers in their working places, their working conditions, treatment by the company owners to them and their human right situation. This study also examines the role played by NGOs for the migrant workers and thereafter comes up with the conclusion that NGOs can still pay pivotal role in protecting migrant workers rights and better address their various problems. However, it establishes that NGOs should initiate some proactive strategies and policies to better the conditions and rights of migrant workers. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In realizing this work, I’m duly indebted to my Supervisor, Professor Hyoung-Wook Jeong for his regular assistance and his criticisms. I also extend my special thanks to Professors Iain Watson and Lee, Wang Hwi who provided me with their valuable suggestions and comments that have ultimately supported to get this work accomplished. This thesis would not have been possible without the help and support of many, including lecturers at Ajou University, management, volunteer and the staffs of migrant workers centers and my fellow Nepalese mates who have come to South Korea for work. There are a number of individuals I wish to acknowledge for their input into this study. Among them, first and foremost I thank Ms. Ritu Gurung for her regular support and encouragement to undertake this study at Ajou University. I can never forget my friends, especially Jeevan Baniya and Sachichidananda Joshi for their regular support and suggestions. Similarly, all of my friends who have been fantastic people and have supported me with encouragements and supports deserve my thanks. I am very much grateful to respective authority of Ajou University for giving me full and partial scholarship to study in this Master Degree without which it would have been impossible to finish my degree. My sincere gratitude goes to all the staff of Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS). Lastly, it is due to the enormous support and encouragement of my family that I have been to get to this stage. My father and mother have always provided me with a great deal of support and mission in life. This thesis therefore is dedicated to my parents, Mr. Bikram Thapa and Mrs. Usha Thapa. ABBREVIATIONS CEDAW: The Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. EPS: Employment Permit System. FTS: Foreign Trainee System. GSH: Goyan Shalom House. ICESCR: The international Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. IIRA: The International Integration and Refugee Association. ILHR: International League for Human Rights. INGOs: International Non-governmental Organizations. ICESCR: International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. IOM: International Organization for Migration. JCMW: The Joint Committee for Migrant Workers in Korea. JVTS: Joint Venture Trainees Labor System. KFSB: Korean Federation of small and medium Business. KOIS: Korean Culture and Information Service LPMW: The Law for Protecting Migrant Workers. MTU: Migrants Trade Union. MCAC: Migrant center Asia Chang. MOU: Memorandum of Understanding. MUMK: Mature aid union for migrants in Korea. NCC: Nepalese counseling committee. NGOs: Non Governmental Organizations. NHRC: The National Human Right Commission. NSL: National Security Law. SMCSC: Suwon Migrant Community Service. UDHR: Universal Declaration of Human Rights. WMHRC: The Women Migrants Human Rights Center.-
dc.title.subtitleThe Case study of Nepalese migrant workers-
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