The Role of NGOs in Providing High Quality of Education to Young Immigrants The case of Spain

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dc.contributor.advisorHyoung Wook Jeong-
dc.contributor.authorReverte Badell Silvia-
dc.description학위논문(석사)--국제대학원 :국제개발협력과,2023. 8-
dc.description.tableofcontentsCHAPTER 1 1 <br>1. Introduction 1 <br> 1.1. Statement of the problem 2 <br> 1.2. Purpose of the thesis 2 <br> 1.3. Research objective 2 <br> 1.4. Research questions 3 <br> 1.5. Hypothesis 3 <br> 1.6. Methodology 3 <br> 1.6.1 Data collection and analysis 4 <br>CHAPTER 2 5 <br>2. Literature review 5 <br> 2.1. Young immigrants and education 5 <br> 2.2. Immigrant NGOs in Spain 6 <br> 2.3. Theoretical framework 7 <br> 2.3.1 Integration Context theory 8 <br>CHAPTER 3 10 <br>3. Immigration in Spain 10 <br> 3.1. Social integration of young immigrants in Spain 11 <br> 3.2.The presence of immigrants in the Spanish educational laws 14 <br> 3.3. Analysis of the evolution of educational policies in Spain 17 <br>CHAPTER 4 20 <br>4. Selected NGOs 20 <br> 4.1. Red Cross 20 <br> 4.1.1 Type and finality of the institution 20 <br> 4.1.2 Service user 20 <br> 4.1.3 Economic Resources 21 <br> 4.1.4 Human Resource 21 <br> 4.1.5 Organization Chart 21 <br> 4.1.6 Actions carried out by the association 22 <br> 4.2 Save the Children 23 <br> 4.2.1 Type and finality of the institution 23 <br> 4.2.2 Service users 23 <br> 4.2.3 Economic Resource 23 <br> 4.2.4 Human Resources 24 <br> 4.2.5 Organization Chart 24 <br> 4.2.6 Actions carried out by the association 25 <br> 4.3 Casals dels Infants 26 <br> 4.3.1 Type and finality of the institution. 26 <br> 4.3.2 Finality of the institution 26 <br> 4.3.3 Service Users 26 <br> 4.3.4 Economic Resources 26 <br> 4.3.5 Human Resources 27 <br> 4.3.6 Organization Chart 27 <br> 4.3.7 Actions carried out by the association 27 <br>CHAPTER 5 29 <br>5. Interpretation of the NGOs General Information, Interviews and Surveys 29 <br> 5.1 Red Cross Interview Analysis 30 <br> 5.2 Save the Children Interview Analysis 34 <br> 5.3 Casal dels Infants Analysis 38 <br>CHAPTER 6 42 <br>6. Main Findings: One objective, three positions 42 <br> 6.1 Projects' Similarities between the NGOs in examination 42 <br> 6.2 Analysis of the surveys 48 <br>CHAPTER 7 54 <br>7. Conclusions 54-
dc.publisherGraduate School of International Studies Ajou University-
dc.rights아주대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.-
dc.titleThe Role of NGOs in Providing High Quality of Education to Young Immigrants The case of Spain-
dc.contributor.affiliation아주대학교 대학원-
dc.contributor.department국제대학원 국제개발협력과-
dc.subject.keywordThesis course-
dc.description.alternativeAbstractSpanish society is experiencing a discernible shift towards greater pluralism. The influx of individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds has initiated a demographic transformation in Spain with far-reaching implications for the future. As a consequence of this expanding immigrant population, numerous Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have emerged. <br>Employing qualitative research methodologies, the main objective of this study is to investigate the contribution of NGOs in Spain toward supporting young immigrants. Furthermore, this research interrogates the extent to which NGOs can fulfill their commitments to improving educational equity for young immigrants. To achieve these objectives, a comprehensive examination is conducted, encompassing the various initiatives undertaken by migration-focused NGOs operating in Spain. Interviews with three selected NGOs and the inclusion of specific projects about education and integration further enhance the analysis. <br>The findings of this study highlight the pivotal role of NGOs as influential agents in the integration of young immigrants into the Spanish educational system and society as a whole. These organizations have effectively established themselves as significant stakeholders, actively contributing to the advancement of educational opportunities and social inclusion for young immigrants. Despite these notable achievements, it is important to acknowledge that NGOs in Spain still face certain limitations. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize the achievements of NGOs while also considering the existing limitations and exploring avenues for further support and collaboration to overcome these obstacles and enhance their impact.-
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Special Graduate Schools > Graduate School of International Studies > Department of International Development Cooperation > 3. Theses(Master)
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