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dc.contributor.authorEBOA, Adolf Diange-
dc.description학위논문(석사)--아주대학교 국제대학원--NGO학과,2010. 8-
dc.description.abstractHealth is the basics for life. We have to therefore direct our ways of living, for the greater achievements? of this life. The ?human will? plays a great role for this process of life accomplishments and its pleasures. Individual responsibility towards sex remains one of the fundamental as concerns HIV/AIDS. The Government of Cameroon is strongly involved in the provision of health facilities?, to her citizens. HIV/AIDS Health sector of the Ministry of Public health has being of great concern. The Government has as strategic plan, the National AIDS Control committee to be concern with the reduction of HIV/AIDS Prevalence rate. This has been running from the year 2000 and is expected to match with the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. The plan runs in three phases; 2000~2005 for phase one, 2006~2010 for phase two and finally 2011~2015 for phase three. Phase one was successful with a drop from 11.6% to 5.6%. Unfortunately, the second phase was a failure, because the results show only a reduction from 5.6% to 5.1%. This thesis examines the government plans against HIV/AIDS, and also looks into two NGOs in South West Region Cameroon, as case study. These thesis identify reasons for the failure and give possible recommendations, which will in turn contribute for the current running third phase of the Government Strategic plan.-
dc.description.tableofcontentsTABLE OF CONTENT a) LIST OF TEXT Cover page--------------? Approval page-------------납 Dedication--------납? Acknowledgement ?V Table of Content--------------- V List of Text----------------------V List of Tables------------------V납 List of Figures--------------------V납 List of Graphs-------------------V납 Abstract---------------------V납i Abbreviati--ix INTRODUCTION I- Introduction---------1 I.1 Hypothesis-----2 I.2 Research Purpose----------3 I.3 Research Statement-----------4 I.4 Research questions. -----------------4 I.5-Research Method-------------------5 1.6 Chapter Outline----------5 CHAPTER ONE: 1- Literature Review and Theoretical Background----7 1.1 Introduction--------------------7 1.2 Structure and Agency------------7 1.3 Health and Human Behavior------------9 1.4 Respondents and Operant Learning-----------11 1.5 Social cognition theory---------------------13 1. 6 Theory of Self Directed Change--------------14 1 .7 Health Believe Model (HBM) ------------------15 1. 8 General Literature Review about NGO------17 1. 8. 1 Introduction------------------------17 1. 8. 2 Theories and some theoretical framework-------18 V 1. 8. 3 Conclusion-------------20 CHAPTER TWO 2. Strategic Prove For the failure of Government Strategic Plan -------------------21 2. 1 Introduction--------21 2.2 HIV Prevalence Outcome and HIV Types in Cameroon------- ---------------22 2.3 Location regions and population of Cameroon. ----25 2. 4 Proportion of Prevalence: gender and per regions. -26 2. 5 The Government Strategic plan --27 2 . 6 Effects of HIV/AIDS -----------------30 2 . 7 Comparing two significant years (2001 and 2007), within the first two Government strategic plan. ----31 2 . 8 Conclusion-------------------------33 CHAPTER THREE 3 The Case Study of two Prominent NGOs in South West Region Cameroon, -----34 3.1 Introduction-----------------34 3 . 2 Reach-Out Cameroon. -----------35 3. 2. 1 History of REO. -----------------35 3. 2.2 Health Activities of Reach-Out and targeted groups---------------------------------------39 3. 2. 3 Reach Out Workshop attended to overcome the HIV situations----------------------------40 3. 2. 4 React Out, Care and Prevalence of HIV/AIDS reduction---------------------------41 3. 2. 5 Care and support for OVCs related to AIDS----------------------------------------------41 3. 2. 6 Care and support for PLWHAs--43 3. 2. 7 Information Education Communications-------43 3. 3 Association for the Development of the Women (ADEW) --------------------44 3. 3 1 History about the NGO. ----44 3. 3. 2 Their activities with regard to human behavior and change to community--------------45 3.3 .3 Activities for 2009~2010------47 3.4 CONCLUSION-----------------50 Vi CHAPTER FOUR 4 Recommendations and Conclusions----------51 4.1 Introduction----------------------------------51 4. 2 Recommendations for the Government------------------------------51 4 . 3 Recommendations for the NGOs----------56 4.4 Conclusion---------------------------58 4.5 Prediction from Graph 1----------------59 b) LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Outline of an operant behavior Change methods-----------------------------------------------12 Table 2: Prevalence of the Cameroonian Women by Regions---------------------------------- ---26 Table 3: Statistic proportions of sex risk groups---- 27 Table 4: Prevalence rate for 1978~2010 with respect to Government Strategic Plans --------------------29 Table 5: HIV/AIDS Statistics from 2007 UNICEF----30 Table 6: Comparing HIV infected cases for 2001 and 2007-----------------------------------------------------32 c) LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: respondent and operant learning theories :effects of environmental events on behavior ---------13 Figure 2: Reciprocal determininism----------14 Figure 3: People can influence both their Environment and Individuals as a person-14 d) LIST OF GRAPHS Graph 1: The graph of Prevalence rate (%) against time period (years) of table 4-------------------29-
dc.publisherThe Graduate School, Ajou University-
dc.rights아주대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.-
dc.contributor.affiliation아주대학교 국제대학원-
dc.contributor.department국제대학원 NGO학과- 8-
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Special Graduate Schools > Graduate School of International Studies > Department of NGO Studies > 3. Theses(Master)
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