Development of New Regeneration Methods in Animal Models with Chronic Tympanic membrane Perforations Using Tissue Engineering Techniques

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dc.contributor.authorSheng Yuan Jin-
dc.description학위논문(박사)아주대학교 일반대학원 :의학과,2013. 2-
dc.description.tableofcontentsPART 1 Development of Rat Models with Chronic Tympanic Membrane Perforations 1 I . INTRODUCTION 1 II. MATERIALS AND METHODS 3 A. Preparation of Chronic TM Perforations 3 B. Reproducibility and Stability of Chronic TM Perforation Models 4 C. Serial Change of Perforations in Chronic TM Perforation Models 6 III. RESULTS 7 A. Animal Models for Chronic TM Perforations 7 B. Reproducibility and Stability of Chronic TM Perforation Models 10 C. Serial Change of Perforations in Chronic TM Perforation Models 12 IV. DISCUSSION 14 V . CONCLUSION 17 PART 2 Tympanic Membrane Stem Cells as a Regulator for Regeneration of Acute and Chronic Perforations 18 I . INTRODUCTION 18 II. MATERIALS AND METHODS 20 A. Materials 20 B. Primary TM Cell Culture 20 C. Immunocytochemistry 20 D. Classification of TM Perforations in Rats 21 E. Immunohistochemistry 21 F. The Efficiency of Chitosan Patch Scaffolds Releasing Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Binding Protein (IGFBP-CPSs) for Hearing of Chronic TM Perforations 22 1. Selection of IGFBP Concentration 22 2. Preparation of IGFBP-CPSs 22 3. Healing Effect of IGFBP-CPSs in Chronic TM Perforations 23 III. RESULTS 24 A. Isolation of TM Stem Cells 24 B. Distribution of Stem Cells in Normal TMs 26 C. Distribution of Stem Cells in Acute TM Perforations and Its Spontaneous Regeneration Potentials 28 D. Distribution of Stem Cells in Chronic TM Perforations and Its Spontaneous Regeneration Potentials 31 E. The Intensity of Stem Cell Expression in the TMs 36 F. Chronic TM Regeneration Potentials Using an IGFBP-CPSs 38 IV. DISCUSSION 42 V . CONCLUSION 44 PART 3 Development of a Novel Chitosan Patch Scaffolds Releasing Epithelial Growth Factor (EGF-CPSs) for Regeneration of Chronic Tympanic Membrane Perforations 45 I . INTRODUCTION 45 II. MATERIALS AND METHODS 49 A. Materials 49 B. Choice of EGF Concentration 49 C. Preparation of EGF-CPSs 50 D. Morphological Analysis of the EGF-CPSs 50 E. Mechanical Properties of the EGF-CPSs 50 F. In vitro EGF Release Test 50 G. Cell Viability Test 51 H. Wound Healing Assay 51 I. In vivo Animal Test 51 1. Preparation of Rat Models with Chronic TM Perforations 51 2. The Effect of EGF-CPSs on The Regeneration of Chronic TM Perforations 52 J. Statistical Analysis 52 III. RESULTS 53 A. Determination of EGF Concentration for EGF-CPSs 53 B. Characteristics of EGF-CPSs 55 C. In vitro Study 59 D. In vivo Study 61 IV. DISCUSSION 66 A. Reason why EGF Was Selected 66 B. Potential of the EGF-CPSs as a Clinical Tool 67 V . CONCLUSION 69 REFERENCES 70 국문요약 75-
dc.publisherThe Graduate School, Ajou University-
dc.rights아주대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.-
dc.titleDevelopment of New Regeneration Methods in Animal Models with Chronic Tympanic membrane Perforations Using Tissue Engineering Techniques-
dc.contributor.affiliation아주대학교 일반대학원-
dc.contributor.department일반대학원 의학과- 2-
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Graduate School of Ajou University > Department of Medicine > 3. Theses(Master)
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