골다공증에서의 Annexin A6의 역할

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dc.contributor.authorKim, Bo young-
dc.description학위논문(박사)아주대학교 일반대학원 :의생명학과,2011. 8-
dc.description.tableofcontentsABSTRACTⅰ TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF FIGURES vi LIST OF TABLES viii Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION 1 A. In vitro and in vivo inhibition of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis by the hexane extract of Poncirus trifoliata 1 B. Genetic association between single nucleotide polymorphisms in the ANXA6 gene and bone density/osteoporosis 3 Ⅱ. MATERIALS AND METHODS 6 1. Chemicals 6 2. Plant materials and preparation of hexane extracts 6 3. Cell culture 7 4. Cell viability assay 8 5. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl Transferase (TdT)-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining 8 6. GIO mouse model experiment 9 7. Measurement of bone mineral density for density 10 8. Tissue sample preparation 10 iv 9. Annealing control primer (ACP)-based differential display reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) 10 10. Cloning and sequence analysis 12 11. Gene-specific quantitative real-time RT-PCR 12 12. Protein extraction and western blot analysis 14 13. Ovariectomized (OVX) mouse model 15 14. Human subjects 15 15. Genotyping and selection of SNPs 17 16. Statistical analysis 17 Ⅲ. RESULTS 19 A. In vitro and in vivo inhibition of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis by the hexane extract of Poncirus trifoliata 19 1. Screening of the novel, effective natural sources on GIO 19 2. In vitro inhibition of PT-H on Dex-induced apoptosis 23 3. Inhibitory effect of PT-H on an in vivo GIO model 26 4. Screening and identification of DEGs in Dex-induced osteoblastic cells with and without PT-H treatment 28 5. Validation of the identified DEGs by real-time RT-PCR and western blot analysis 31 6. Effect of PT-H on the expression of AnxA6 in GIO-mice 34 B. Genetic association between single nucleotide polymorphisms in the ANXA6 gene and bone density/osteoporosis 36 v 1. Study design 36 2. Screening and identification of the DEGs in Dex-treated osteoblastic cell line model 38 3. Validation of the identified DEGs in the cell line model by quantitative real-time RT-PCR 43 4. Evaluation of the identified DEGs in the ovariectomized mouse model by quantitative real-time RT-PCR 45 5. Association analysis of the genetic variation in the identified DEGs with bone density and osteoporosis in humans 47 Ⅳ. DISCUSSION 60 A. In vitro and in vivo inhibition of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis by the hexane extract of Poncirus trifoliata 60 B. Genetic association between single nucleotide polymorphisms in the ANXA6 gene and bone density/osteoporosis 65 Ⅴ. CONCLUSION 71 REFERENCES 72 국문요약 85-
dc.publisherThe Graduate School, Ajou University-
dc.rights아주대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.-
dc.title골다공증에서의 Annexin A6의 역할-
dc.title.alternativeBo-Young Kim-
dc.contributor.affiliation아주대학교 일반대학원-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameBo-Young Kim-
dc.contributor.department일반대학원 의생명과학과-
dc.date.awarded2011. 8-
dc.subject.keywordAnnexin A6 (ANXA6)-
dc.subject.keywordbone mineral density (BMD)-
dc.subject.keywordsingle nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-
dc.description.alternativeAbstractOsteoporosis is a common calcium and metabolic skeletal disease which is characterized by decreased bone mass, microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue and impaired bone strength, thereby leading to enhanced risk of bone fragility. In this study, we aimed to discover a novel herbal therapeutic drug for effective osteoporosis treatment and to further clarify its molecular mechanism of action. At first, ethanol or methanol extracts of 68 edible Korean native plants were screened and Poncirus trifoliata (PT) was selected as a final candidate because of its high inhibitory activity on glucocorticoid (GC)-induced apoptosis plus its novelty. The hexane extract of PT (PT-H) inhibited apoptotic cell death of osteoblastic cell lines, C3H10T1/2 and MC3T3-E1 induced by synthetic GC, dexamethasone (Dex). In vivo mouse results indicated that PT-H not only had an inhibitory effect on the bone loss caused by GC, but also promoted bone formation. We further clarified the molecular mechanisms behind the effect of PT-H on GC-induced osteoporosis (GIO) by screening of differentially-expressed genes (DEGs) between Dex-induced osteoblastic cells with or without PT-H treatment. Finally, we found that the expression level of AnxA6 in Dex-induced osteoblastic cells and prednisolone-treated GIO-model mice was significantly decreased by PT-H treatment. These findings suggest that PT-H has a strong in vitro and in vivo inhibitory effect on GIO, and decreased expression of AnxA6 may play a key role in this inhibition. As the next step, we aimed to determine whether ANXA6 gene was associated with the susceptibility to osteoporosis and further identify novel genes for susceptibility to osteoporosis. At first, we performed a whole-genome comparative expression analysis. Ten genes were identified as the DEGs in the Dex-treated MC3T3-E1 cells. To validate and evaluate the identified DEGs, we performed quantitative real-time RT-PCR using the gene-specific primers and compared the expression levels of these genes between the Dex-treated and untreated MC3T3-E1 cells, and between the ovariectomized (OVX) and sham mice and found that the expression levels of 7 genes, Anxa6, Col5a1, Col6a2, Eno1, Myof, Nfib and Scara5, were significantly altered in the in vitro and in vivo osteoporosis models. Lastly, to determine whether the genetic variations of these 7 genes were associated with bone density and osteoporosis phenotypes in humans, we performed the quantitative bone density analysis and osteoporosis case-control analysis of 116 ingle nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) in these 7 genes in the Korean Women’s Cohort (3570 subjects). There was a significant association between the SNPs in the 5 genes, ANXA6, COL5A1, ENO1, MYOF and SCARA5, and bone density and/or osteoporosis. Especially, the SNPs in the ANXA6 gene showed a highly significant association with bone density and their p-values satisfied the Bonferroni-corrected significance level. These results indicate that genetic variation in the ANXA6 gene is significantly associated with bone density and osteoporosis. This study may provide insight into the genetic basis of osteoporosis.-
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Graduate School of Ajou University > Department of Biomedical Sciences > 3. Theses(Master)
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