위험 감수성에 따른 성과 문화적 차이

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dc.description학위논문(석사)--아주대학교 일반대학원 :경영학과,2010. 8-
dc.description.tableofcontents1. Introduction ·············································································· 1 1. Theoretical Background ····················································· 1 1. Is the Group-Facilitation Effect on Gender Differences in Risk-Taking the Same across Cultures? ······················ 4 2. The Present Study ········································ 6 2. Method ················································································· 7 1. Participants and Procedure ················································ 7 1. Participants ·························································· 7 2. Overview of the Procedure ····································· 7 2. Measurement Scales ························································ 8 1. Personality Measures ··························· 8 2. Risk Measures ········································· 9 3. Results ········································································· 14 1. Gender and Cultural Differences in Attitudes towards Risk at the Individual Level ··············································· 14 1. Explicit Risk ································ 14 2. Implicit Risk ······························· 15 2. The Group Facilitation of Cultural and Gender Differences in Choices towards Risk ···························· 16 3. The Group Facilitation of Mixed-Gender Group in Choices regarding Risk ············································· 18 4. Did the Participants Express Different Individual Choices regarding Risk after the Completion of Group Discussion? ···························································· 19 5. Social Desirability and Risk-related Constructs ············ 21 6. Dissociation between Explicit and Implicit Measures of Risk ··································································· 22 7. Incremental Validity of the IRT Measure ················ 24 3. Discussion ············································································· 25 1. Discussion of Results ····················································· 25 1. A Summary of Findings ······································· 25 2. Explicit and Implicit Attitudes towards Risk at the Individual Level······················································· 26 3. The Group Facilitation of Cultural and Gender Differences in Choices regarding Risk ······································· 28 4. Implicit Attitudes towards Risk ·························· 32 2. Implications ································································ 33 [References] ··············································································· 37-
dc.publisherThe Graduate School, Ajou University-
dc.rights아주대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.-
dc.title위험 감수성에 따른 성과 문화적 차이-
dc.title.alternativeGender and Cultural Differences in Risk: The Group Facilitation Effect.-
dc.contributor.affiliation아주대학교 일반대학원-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameJunsu Park-
dc.contributor.department일반대학원 경영학과-
dc.date.awarded2010. 8-
dc.subject.keyword위험 감수성-
dc.subject.keyword집단 촉진효과-
dc.description.alternativeAbstractBy comparing South Koreans with Australians, we have attempted to (a) investigate gender and cultural differences in explicit and implicit attitudes towards risk and choices regarding risk at both the individual and group levels and (b) show the predictive and incremental capability of a newly developed implicit measure of risk on a behavioral outcome. The results show that when asked individually (a) South Korean males indicated a stronger risk-preference on the explicit, self-reported measure when compared to their female counterparts and (b) Australians consistently showed a stronger risk-preference than South Koreans across both males and females on the identical self-reported measure. Through hypothetical choice dilemma items for assessing choices regarding risk, the choices of South Koreans were facilitated when they were placed in a group decision-making situation than when they were asked alone, regardless of gender composition, which is a different pattern from that observed in the Australian sample which exhibited the group-facilitation effect among only males. The incremental validity of the implicit risk-taking measure was supported. The implications for gender and cultural differences in attitudes towards risk and the utility of the implicit measure of risk are discussed.-
dc.title.subtitle집단 촉진효과에 대하여-
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Graduate School of Ajou University > Department of Business Administration > 3. Theses(Master)
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