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dc.contributor.advisorkim Han sung-
dc.contributor.authorEWANG, LINDA SENGE-
dc.description학위논문(석사)--Graduate School of International Studies Ajou University :국제통상학과,2017. 8-
dc.description.tableofcontentsCHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 BACKGROUND OF STUDY 1 1.1 MOTIVATION OF STUDY 4 1.2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVE 4 1.2.1 Specific Objective 4 1.2.2 General Objective. 4 1.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT 5 1.4 RESEARCH QUESTION .. 6 1.5 HYPOTHESIS 6 1.6 VARIABLES... 6 1.7 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 7 1.8 SELECTION OF CASE STUDY 8 1.9 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY. 8 1.10 DE-LIMITATION OF STUDY. 9 CHAPTER TWO RELATED LITERATURE AND THEORETICAL FOUNDATION. 10 2.1 RELATED LITERATURE 10 2.2 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 15 2.2.1 The Neo-Classical Theory of International Trade 15 2.2.2 The Neo-Ricardian Comparative Advantage Theory of Trade 16 2.2.3 The Heckscher-Ohlin Theory of International Trade. 16 2.3 THE NOTION OF AGRICULTURAL TRADE AND MARKETING IN RELATION TO CAMEROON CONTEXT 17 2.4 THE STATE OF CAMEROON AGRICULTURAL TRADE. 19 CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 25 3.0 INTRODUCTION. 25 3.1 RATIONALE FOR THE STUDY 25 3.2 METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH AND METHODS 26 3.2.1 Quantitative research design 26 3.3 RESEARCH DESIGN-PRACTICAL CASE STUDY. 26 3.3.1 Criteria and Rationale for case selection 27 3.3.2 Description of Case (The coffee sector). 27 3.3.3 Participants 30 3.3.4 Researchers relationship with respondent 30 3.4 DATA COLLECTION METHOD 30 3.4.1 Questionnaires 31 3.4.2 Documents analysis.. 31 3.5 RESEARCH PROCEDURE. 31 3.5.1 Data collection time span. 31 3.5.2 Area covered by the research. 32 3.5.3 Data collection summary 32 3.6 DATA ANALYSIS. 33 3.6.1 Procedure of analysis of all data 33 3.7 METHOD OF VERIFICATION. 33 3.8 ETHICAL ISSUES. 34 CHAPTER FOUR DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS 35 4.0 INTRODUCTION. 35 4.1 DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS. 35 4.1.1 Social and demographic characteristics of respondents. 35 4.1.2 Knowledge of respondents on subject matter (Cameroon coffee sector) 37 4.1.3 Finding new markets 39 4.1.4 Promoting volume and quality in the coffee sector 41 4.1.5 Strengthening research. 43 4.1.6 Facilitating financing for coffee growing. 45 4.1.7 Government policy. 47 CHAPTER FIVE FINDINGS, RECOMMENDATION, AND CONCLUSIONS 49 5.0 INTRODUCTION. 49 5.1 MAIN FINDINGS. 50 5.1.1 Knowledge of respondents concerning the subject matter. 50 5.1.2 Finding new market to trade Cameroon coffee 50 5.1.3 Promoting volume and quality in the coffee sector 51 5.1.4 Strengthening research to allocate the best potential for the sector. 51 5.1.5 Facilitating financing for coffee growing. 52 5.1.6 Government policy. 52 5.2 CONTRIBUTION TO KNOWLEDGE AND IMPLEMENTATION FOR PRACTICE 53 5.2.1 Identifying new and less known markets for Cameroon coffee. 53 5.2.2 Promoting research in the coffee sector. 53 5.2.3 Facilitating exports. 54 5.2.4 Promoting quality. 54 5.2.5 Government policy. 54 5.3 DIRECTION FOR FURTHER RESEARCH 55 5.4 FINDINGS OF THE STUDY IN RELATION TO EXISTING THEORIES. 56 CONCLUSION. 57 REFERENCE 58 APPENDIX. 64-
dc.publisherGraduate School of International Studies Ajou University-
dc.rights아주대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.-
dc.contributor.affiliation아주대학교 국제대학원-
dc.contributor.department국제대학원 국제통상학과- 8-
dc.subject.keywordmaster thesis-
dc.description.alternativeAbstractCross-border trade, as a principal factor of openness, can make an increasingly significant contribution to economic growth if the government adopts an open-door policy with foreign nations. However, Cameroon’s International trade, especially on agricultural products, has experienced a rapid decline over the years. Despite the stable political system, natural vast land, fertile soils and abundant labor in Cameroon that would have made her a modern global agricultural factory, to benefit from liberalization and globalization, the country's economy is still to rip the benefits from trading it agricultural products beyond its territorial confines. Important cash crop such as coffee has witnessed a decline over the years. I argue that opening up of new markets to integrate the existing old traditional market for the agricultural product with more foreign nations will open up new economic and market opportunities for Cameroon farms product. Hence, in visualizing the agricultural situation in Cameroon and the Coffee sector, in particular, the research will try to examine and analyze the significant role that international trade can play in transforming and advancing agricultural productivity in Cameroon. To recognize how significant cross-border trade can display in shaping agricultural productivity in Cameroon would be analyzed from two main perspectives. The first is How opening up of new markets to integrate the existing old traditional market for agricultural product with more foreign nations will open up new economic and market opportunities for Cameroon farms product and the second is from a product perspective, where the product quality will need to increased to suit the market. Thus, for the government to formulate new policies that are aimed at targeting markets in measure coffee consuming countries such as South Korea with a total coffee consumption rate of 2.6kg per capita, Finland consumption rate of 9.6kg per capita ( This could be a possible solution for transforming the agricultural sector in Cameroon.-
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Special Graduate Schools > Graduate School of International Studies > Department of International Trade > International Trade > 3. Theses(Master)
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