Role of Husband in Reproductive Health of their Wives in Dalit community of Kuldevmandu VDC, Bajura District Nepal

DC Field Value Language
dc.contributor.advisorJeong, Hyoung Wook-
dc.contributor.authorPADHAYA PUSHPA RAJ-
dc.description학위논문(석사)--Graduate School of International Studies Ajou University :국제개발협력과,2016. 2-
dc.description.tableofcontentsCHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Objective of the Study 3 1.3 Research Problem 3 1.4 Significance of the Study 6 1.5 Delimitation of the Study 7 1.6 Definitions of Terms Used 8 CHAPTER TWO LITERETURE REVIEW 10 2.1 Theoretical Literature 10 2.2 Empirical Literature 17 2.3 Implication of the Review of the Study 22 2.4 Conceptual Framework 23 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY 24 3.1 Research Design 24 3.2 Population of the Study 24 3.3 Sampling Procedure and Sample Size 24 3.4 Tools of Data Collection 24 3.5 Validation of the Tools 25 3.6 Data Collection Procedure 25 3.7 Techniques of Data Analysis and Interpretation 25 CHAPTER FOUR ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA 26 4.1 Demographic and Socio-Economic Characteristics 26 4.1.1 Age Composition of Respondents 26 4.1.2 Types of Family 27 4.1.3 Marital Status 27 4.1.4 Literacy and Educational Attainment 28 4.1.5 Occupational Status of Respondents 29 4.1.6 Food Sufficiency 31 4.2 Role of Husband in Family Planning (FP) 32 4.2.1 Knowledge on Family Planning Methods 32 4.2.2 Communication Media of FP Methods 34 4.2.3 Current use of Contraceptive 34 4.2.4 Process of Decision Making on Using of Contraceptive 35 4.2.5 Reason for not Using Contraceptive 36 4.3 Role of Husband in Maternal Health Care 37 4.3.1 Age of Respondents at First Marriage 38 4.3.2 Age of Female Partner at First Marriage 38 4.3.3 Age of Partner at Birth of First Child 40 4.3.4 Distribution of Respondents by Number of Children Ever Born 40 4.3.5 Care of Partner during Last Pregnancy 42 4.3.6 Reason for not Caring Partner during the Pregnancy 43 4.3.7 Place of Delivery for the Last Birth 44 4.3.8 ANC Service at the Last Birth by Partners 44 4.3.9 Reason for Not Visiting for ANC Service 46 4.3.10 Additional Food during Pregnancy 47 4.3.11 Work Load during Pregnancy 48 4.3.12 PNC Services for Last Birth 49 4.4 STIs, HIV/AIDS and RH Education 50 4.4.1 Knowledge about STIs 50 4.4.2 Opinion Regarding Types of People who can transmit the STIs in their Communities 52 4.4.3 Knowledge about HIV/AIDS 53 4.4.4 Communication Media of STIs and HIV/AIDS 55 4.4.5 Whether Inform to Partners if Suffered from STIs 55 4.4.6 Attitude towards Female Partner if Suffered by STIs And HIV/AIDS 56 4.4.7 Ways of Prevention 57 4.4.8 Need of RH Education 58 4.4.9 Target Group of RH Education 58 4.4.10 Husband-Wife Communication about RH Matters 59 4.4.11 Husband-Wife Open Discussion on RH Matters 60 4.4.12 Role of Husbands in Providing IEC Materials and Awareness 60 4.5 Summary of Findings 61 4.5.1 Demographic and Socio-Economic Characteristics 61 4.5.2 Role of Husband in Family Planning 61 4.5.3 Role of Husband in Maternal Health Care 62 4.5.4 STIs, HIV/AIDS and RH Education 63 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 64 5.1 Conclusion 64 5.2 Recommendation 65 5.2.1General Recommendation 65 5.2.2 Recommendation for Policy Level 66 5.2.3 Recommendation for Further Study 67 BIBLIOGRAPHY 68 APPENDICES 72-
dc.publisherGraduate School of International Studies Ajou University-
dc.rights아주대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.-
dc.titleRole of Husband in Reproductive Health of their Wives in Dalit community of Kuldevmandu VDC, Bajura District Nepal-
dc.contributor.affiliation아주대학교 국제대학원-
dc.contributor.department국제대학원 국제개발협력학과- 2-
dc.subject.keywordInternational Development and cooperation-
dc.description.alternativeAbstractThis study entitled “Role of Husband in Reproductive Health of their Wives in Dalit community of Kuldevmandu VDC, Bajura District” was carried out in order to assess the role of husbands in various domain i.e. Family planning, Maternal health, RH education, STIs and HIV/Aids. Husband’s lack of participation in reproductive health not only damages their own health, but also contributes to the reproductive ill health of their female partners and children. In Nepal, the involvement of husband in such matters is a new concept. There is a paucity of data particularly on Dalit men’s knowledge and the extent of their participation in reproductive health. This inhibits planning. The present study aims to understand the role of Dalit husband in reproductive health and the peripherals by generating a database from the Kuldevmandu VDC of Bajura District. This study is based on the primary data obtained from field survey. Whole of the information is based on 150 respondents selected from Dalit community for interview. Only married males were selected for interview. This is descriptive type of study designed to explore the information on Role of husband in reproductive health of their wives in Dalit community. Average Household population of Dalit is 37.52 percent respondent’s major occupation of Dalit is daily wages labour. Family structure of Dalits is found to be joint type (52.26%). Nearly half (43.55% percent) of Dalits have food sufficiency only for less than 3 months from their own agricultural products. More than 68 percent of Dalits were using family planning method. Radio is found the most popular media of information on Family planning methods. Female sterilization and male condom are more popular FP methods in Dalit families. Decision making on use of contraception is found to be participatory among the spouse. Role of husband in maternal health care is comparatively poor in Dalit community. Most of last delivery cases have been found at home. They are not fully accustomed to ANC service yet. Majority of Dalits are familiar with HIV/AIDS however, they are less aware of preventive measures of HIV/AIDS. Males’ attitude towards female partner regarding to STIs and HIV/AIDS is found to be sensitive and supportive. Most of Dalits are in favor of Reproductive health education.-
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