Economic Systems and Social Identity Theory as Explainers for Robust Democracy

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dc.contributor.advisorIan Watson-
dc.contributor.authorMUNRO JORDAN MICHAEL-
dc.description학위논문(석사)--아주대학교 국제대학원 :NGO학과,2016. 2-
dc.description.tableofcontentsIntroduction 1 Definitions of Terms 1 Statement of Purpose 2 Purpose and Benefit of Research 4 Hypothesis 5 Basic Flow Chart of Method of Sustenance 5 Method of Sustenance Flow Chart Example: Traditional Agrarian Culture with Rice and Plow 6 Literature Review 6 Summary of Literature Review 12 Social Identity Theory, Communal Norms, and Changing Economic Systems 13 Data Analysis 19 Introduction 19 About the Data 20 Analysis on Corruption: Urbanization, Economic System, and GDP Per Capita on Corruption perceptions Index 21 Linear Regression between UrbanPercentAverage and CorruptionPerceptionIndex: 22 One Way Anova of EconSystem and CorruptionPerceptionIndex 23 Quadratic Regression of ServicesPercent, Services_Squared, and Corruption Perception Index: 25 Quadratic Regression Analysis of GDPPerCapita by CorruptionPerceptionIndex 27 Analysis on Civil Liberties: Urbanization, Economic System, and GDP on Civil Liberties 29 Linear Regression of UrbanPercentAverage and CivilLibertiesIndex 30 Linear Regression of ServicesPercent and CivilLibertiesIndex 32 Linear Regression Analysis by GDPPerCapita and CivilLibertiesIndex 34 Analysis on State Fragility: Economic System, Urbanization, and GDP Per Capita on State Fragility 36 Quadratic Analysis of UrbanizationAverage, Urban_Percent_Squared, and FragileIndex 37 Quadratic Analysis of GDPPerCapita, GDP_Per_Capita_Squared, and FragileIndex 39 Quadratic Analysis of ServicesPercent, Services_Squared, and FragileIndex 41 Analysis on Democracy Rating: Economic System, State Fragility, and Economic System 43 Linear Regression Analysis of UrbanizationAverage and DemocracyRating2 43 Linear Regression Analysis of GDPPerCapita and DemocracyRanking2 45 Linear Regression Analysis of ServicesPercent and DemocracyRanking2 46 Discussion of Results 48 Limitation of Using Percent of Labour Force in the Services Sector, Urbanization, and GDP Per capita 48 Limitations of this study 48 Strengths of this study 49 Conclusion 50 Sources 51-
dc.publisherGraduate School of International Studies Ajou University-
dc.rights아주대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.-
dc.titleEconomic Systems and Social Identity Theory as Explainers for Robust Democracy-
dc.contributor.affiliation아주대학교 국제대학원-
dc.contributor.department국제대학원 NGO학과- 2-
dc.subject.keywordModernizaiton Theroy-
dc.subject.keywordEconomic Scoiology-
dc.subject.keywordEconomic Systems-
dc.subject.keywordMethod of sustenance-
dc.subject.keywordSocial Identity Theory-
dc.description.alternativeAbstractModernization theory has suffered from holistic measurement and description of ‘modernization’, which has led to difficulties in identifying what factors of modernization are responsible for the changes seen through the process. This paper introduces an explanation for why modernization positively correlates with so many indicators such as human rights, gender equality, civil liberties, and democracy. ‘Method of sustenance’ – what work is being done and by what means – is identified as a factor that changes ingroups and norms and thus is responsible for the positive correlation observed in studies on modernization theory. Social Identity Theory is used to help support and describe this process. The argument is congruent with lessons from anthropology and economic sociology. The argument is applied specifically to democracy and statistical analysis is conducted on corruption, civil liberties, state fragility, and democracy ranking to support the argument. Statistical results are strong but suffer from validity issues. It is concluded that applying ‘method of sustenance’ and Social Identity Theory to modernization theory can help to strengthen modernization theory by explaining convincingly why and specifically how the process of modernization creates social changes.-
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Special Graduate Schools > Graduate School of International Studies > Department of NGO Studies > 3. Theses(Master)
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