Impact of International Trade On Economic Growth of Developing Countries (Cameroon)

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dc.contributor.advisorKim Han Sung-
dc.contributor.authorKODJIO DJOUMESSI ELODIE-
dc.description학위논문(석사)--Graduate School of International Studies Ajou University :국제통상학과,2018. 2-
dc.description.tableofcontentsCHAPTER ONE - 1 - INTRODUCTION - 1 - 1.1 Background - 1 - 1.2 Motivation of study - 3 - 1.3 Statement of Problem - 4 - 1.4 Research Question - 6 - 1.5 Objective of the study - 6 - 1.5.1 Main Objective - 6 - 1.5.2 Specific Objective - 6 - 1.6 Research Hypotheses - 6 - 1.6.1 Variables - 6 - 1.7 Significance of the study - 7 - CHAPTER TWO - 8 - RELATED LITERATURE AND THEORETICAL FOUNDATION - 8 - 2.1 Theoretical Studies - 8 - 2.1.1 The Adam Smith’s theory of absolute advantage - 8 - 2.1.2 Ricardian theory of comparative advantage - 9 - 2.1.3 The Heckscher-Ohlin theory - 10 - 2.2 Theories of Economic Growth - 11 - 2.2.1 The Traditional Stage. - 11 - 2.2.2 Pre-Conditions to Take-Off - 11 - 2.2.3 The Take-off Stage - 12 - 2.2.4 The drive to maturity stage - 12 - 2.2.5 The High Mass Consumption Stage - 13 - 2.3 Harrod-Domar (HD) Model of Economic Growth - 13 - 2.3.1 The closed economy; No trade economy - 13 - 2.4 The Solow Growth Model - 14 - 2.4.1 Savings and Investment - 15 - 2.4.2 The Endogenous Growth Model - 16 - CHAPTER THREE - 17 - EMPIRICAL REVIEWS ON LITERATURE - 17 - 3.1 Background of Study Area - 19 - 3.1.1 Government Policies to Raise Long-Run Living Standards - 20 - 3.2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY - 21 - 3.3 DATA COLLECTION - 22 - 3.3.1 Variables used for data collection. - 22 - CHAPTER FOUR - 25 - MODELS AND ANALYSIS - 25 - 4.1 Analytical Method - 25 - 4.2 Estimation Procedure -26- 4.2.1 Examination of Stationarity and Non-stationarity of Variables - 26 - 4.3 PRESENTATION AND INTERPRETATION OF RESULT - 27 - 4.3.1 The Influence of Foreign Trade on the Economic Growth of Cameroon - 27 - 4.3.2 The impact of export on economic growth of Cameroon - 31 - 4.3.3 The impact of FDI on Cameroon’s economic growth - 32 - 4.3.4 The effect of gross capital formation on economic growth of Cameroon - 32 - 4.3.5 The impact of inflation on economic growth - 32 - 4.3.6 The Impact of remittance per capital on economic growth - 32 - 4.3.7 The influence of External Debt - 33 - 4.3.8 The effects of openness to trade - 33 - 4.4 PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH ECONOMIC GROWTH - 33 - CHAPTER FIVE…………………………………………………………………………......-35 - SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS. - 35 - 5.1 Summary of Findings - 35 - 5.2 Conclusion - 36 - 5.3 Recommendations - 36 - 5.4 Limitation of the study - 37 - REFERENCES - 38 - Appendix - 42 --
dc.publisherGraduate School of International Studies Ajou University-
dc.rights아주대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.-
dc.titleImpact of International Trade On Economic Growth of Developing Countries (Cameroon)-
dc.contributor.affiliation아주대학교 국제대학원-
dc.contributor.department국제대학원 국제통상학과- 2-
dc.subject.keywordGross Domestic product-
dc.subject.keywordEconomic Growth-
dc.subject.keywordForeign Direct Investment-
dc.subject.keywordRemittance money per capital-
dc.subject.keywordGross capital formation-
dc.subject.keywordOpenness to trade and Inflation.-
dc.description.alternativeAbstractThe main objective of the present analysis is to explore and quantify the contribution of Foreign trade to economic growth in Cameroon. It employs an extended generalized model, using Goss Domestic product (GDP) data from the World Bank Data and International Monetary Fund (IMF) from 1980 to 2014. The findings of the study show that foreign trade has mixed effect on economic growth in Cameroon. Export, remittance money per capita, Gross capital formation and foreign direct investment has a positive and significant relationship with economic growth. On the other hand, Openness to Trade and Inflation, have a negative and insignificant effect on economic growth. Based on our findings, it is recommended that policies aimed at increasing the productivity and quality of goods and services should be implemented in order to increase export. Also additional value should be added on exported goods and Services, remittance money per capita, gross capital formation and foreign direct investment and When this is done, it will lead to a higher rate of economic growth in Cameroon. Theories reviewed includes; Theory of absolute advantage, theory of comparative, Hechscher- Ohlin theory model, Solow model of economic growth.-
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Special Graduate Schools > Graduate School of International Studies > Department of International Trade > International Trade > 3. Theses(Master)
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