The Democratic Movement I: Resolving to a Bizarre Partial Democratic Practice in Nepal Himalaya

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dc.contributor.authorTulachan Mr. Bojindra Prasad-
dc.description학위논문(석사)--아주대학교 국제대학원 :국제개발협력과,2014. 8-
dc.description.abstractThe major argument in this comprehensive writing is that the massive celebration was made after the success of the Democratic Movement I as a complete restoration of democracy, and accordingly a number of literatures have been scribed. However, based on the constitution made and the Post-mass Movement I scenario, the democratic practice was sort of undemocratic, making the people fool for time being. This is more likely to trace that a little was done, which further led to tragic Maoist insurgency for a decade, dethronement of the king after 240 years of its successive history, election of the constitution assembly and its efforts being made Federal based on the agreements made among political parties are under discussion. Divided into five distinguished sections, the first section-figuring out the literature gap in the topic I am writing with- introduces the key concept of the thesis title, how it differs from theoretical ones and how the Hindu culture as a soft power tool was used by the Palace to place its existence after Post-democratic Movement I. Meanwhile, a number of research questions are put forward so as to get the crux of the loopholes in the existing theories and its literature. Also procedures of research are projected to make the readers feel that the research is being carried out with assumption, certain methodology and the awareness of the factors barring in making the research. The second segment deals with review of literatures basically on democracy, democratization, democratic revolution, democratic movement and a case study of Satyagraha in India. The very section is further likely to poke why and how the author is different from others and finally is to make a synopsis and evaluation of the past studies, whereas the third section makes a round on how partial democratic practice has been made which led to Maoist insurgency, the DM II and to the intense ethnic and federal/governance/judicial conflicts. The fourth section makes an analysis of Foucauldian concept of horizontal power and its operational tools as Hindu festivals and the increasing number of students enrolled every year. The final section makes an evaluation on theoretical and practical development of democracy in Nepal and lets the readers know when and how situation changes from one corner of a world to the other. Democracy does not make its way straight: sometimes yes, sometimes no and sometimes quite crooked as well. This depends on socio-economic and political phenomenon, leadership quality, international relation, perception of the general people and many more. This is not to say that the democracy is the ultimate tool in bringing happiness and prosperity, rather it could make a reverse walk and kill itself- almost the very situation Nepal is making right at the moment.-
dc.description.tableofcontentsTable of Contents Dedication Acknowledgements Abstract Contents Figures and Tables Abbreviations and Acronyms CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Major issue(s) heralded 4 1.3 Research Questions 5 1.4 The Objective of the Study 6 1.5 Frame-working the Analytical Tool(s) 6 1.6 The Statement of Problem 7 1.7 Methodology 7 1.7.1Theoretical Approach: Discourse as Power 8 1.7.2 Methods of Data Collection 8 1.8 Assumptions 8 1.9 The Significance of the Study 9 1.10 The Limitations of the Thesis 12 CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF LITERATURES ON THEORETICAL STUDIES 14 2.1 Conceptualizing Democracy 14 2.2 Democratization: A Conceptual Understanding 16 2.1.1 Towards Democratization: Transitional Shift in Political Regimes 18 2.3 Conceptualization of Political Revolution 25 2.4 Democracy and Revolution 29 2.5 Democratic Movement: The People’s Mass Participation 31 2.6 A Case Study on The People’s Mass Movement in the Periphery 33 2.7.1 Satyagraha: A Non-violent Movement against British regime in India 33 CHAPTER THREE: THE CASE STUDY OF NEPAL 35 3.1 Political Awakening and the New wave of Democracy 37 3.2 When Political Parties Unite 40 3.3 Democratic Movement 1990 42 3.4 Democracy and Democratization in Nepal 46 3.4.1 Towards a Bizarre Partial Democratic Practice in Nepal 48 3.4.2 Why Maoists Insurgency? 49 3.4.3 Royal Takeover II: An effort to Authoritarianism 50 3.5 Towards People’s Mass Movement II 51 3.5.1 Ethnic Uprising: Inclusion of ethnic/indigenous nationals in politics 52 3.5.2 Madhesh Uprising: A Voice for Autonomous State 54 3.6 Summary and Evaluation of the Past Studies 57 CHAPTER FOUR: MODELS AND ANALYSIS IN THE CONTEXT OF NEPAL 60 4.1 Theoretical Model and Discussions: Making a shift from vertical power to Horizontal 60 4.2 Econometric Models and Discussions 62 4.2.1 Palace’s Draft for the constitution 1990 62 4.2.2 Draft Constitution 1990: Revision and Approval 65 4.3 Reshaping the position of the King in the Constitution 1990 73 4.4 The Horizontal Power Revisited: A Check through Educational Parameter 77 4.5 Contextual Analysis: What Happens when the Situation Differs in Nepal? 81 4.6 Interpretation of the Results and the Comparison of the Past Studies 84 4.7 Relevance/Implication of the Studies in the 21st Century 85 CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION 88 5.1 Conclusion and Recommendation of the Study for Further Research 88-
dc.publisherGraduate School of International Studies Ajou University-
dc.rights아주대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.-
dc.titleThe Democratic Movement I: Resolving to a Bizarre Partial Democratic Practice in Nepal Himalaya-
dc.contributor.affiliation아주대학교 국제대학원-
dc.contributor.department국제대학원 국제개발협력학과- 8-
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