The Ineffectiveness of the International Fight against Climate Change

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dc.contributor.authorMbanjei, Njong Vitalis-
dc.description학위논문(석사)아주대학교 국제대학원--국제개발협력과,2011. 8-
dc.description.tableofcontentsDedication i Abstract ii Acknowledgement iii Abbreviation iv Abbreviations v CHAPTER I Introduction 1 Hypothesis 5 Statement Of Research Problem 5 Literature Review 6 CHAPTER II The Causes Of Ineffectiveness 12 List Of Climate Change Conferences 16 Why Is Cooperation Amongst States Difficult? 17 A - Economic Causes Of Climate Change18 (i) Confrontation Between Preservation Of The Environment And Other Exigencies 21 (a) Misconception Of The Idea Of Preservation Of The Environment 22 (b) The Need For Sustainable Development 25 (ii)Industrialisation As A Proponent Factor Of Ineffectiveness 31 a) Urgent Need For Industrialisation And Development 31 b) Lack Of Concern And Purported Interest Over Environmental Issues 33 B-The Political Causes Of Ineffectiveness 35 (i) Sovereignty And Lack Of Binding Rules As A Major Obstacle Towards Climate Change Dispositions 36 (a) Rights Of Sovereignty As Obstacles Towards Climatic Regime 36 (b)Absence Of An Objective Binding Legal Instrument To Foster Climatic Governance 41 (ii)Absence Of Credibility Of Environmental Law 43 C-Environmental Norms Are Non-conventional In Nature 43 D- Conclusion 44 CHAPTER III The Implications Of The Ineffectiveness 45 The Effects Or Impacts Of Ineffectiveness 46 A- Short And Long Term Consequences Of Climate Change As Result Of Ineffectiveness 48 (i) Economic Potentials Of Developing States Are At Risk 52 (ii) Socio-Political Consequences Are Highly Visible 54 B- The Long Term Impacts Of Climate Change As A Result Of Ineffectiveness 56 (i) The Very Motive For Sustainability Is Been Defeated 56 (ii) Questioning The Principles Of Sustainability And Inter And Intra-Generational Equity 58 CHAPTER IV Conclusion And Policy Recommendation 61 Policy Proposal 63 Referencing/Bibliography 67-
dc.publisherGraduate School of International Studies Ajou University-
dc.rights아주대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.-
dc.titleThe Ineffectiveness of the International Fight against Climate Change-
dc.contributor.affiliation아주대학교 국제대학원-
dc.contributor.department국제대학원 국제개발협력학과- 8-
dc.description.alternativeAbstractIn this scientific piece, it is very evident that we have questioned the effective application of environmental dispositions to combat climate change. Even though we have lots of enacted protocols and other forms of environmental provisions, they have not gone a long way to help curb the devastating climate change effects. Even the super power considered the ?hegemon state?- United States of America, have not ratified the main climate change document which is the Kyoto protocol and this has somehow lured some other countries not to take the provisions found in the latter protocol to the letter. In as much as other factors account for this failure, it will be very instructive for us to qualify that the state is a preponderant actor which have not fulfil its obligations. It was in the light of the state?s incompetent and incapacity that Hans Morgenthau portrayed the complexity surrounding the state and preserving the environment. These two notions (conservation of nature and sovereignty) are all fundamental principles of international law. He postulates that international law can impose constraints upon nations when sovereignty preludes a sovereign state been subject to legal constraints. In fact he therefore concludes by saying that sovereignty is incompatible with a strong international law like climate change. From Morgenthau?s lucid conclusion, it is clear that even though principle emerging from Stockholm and Kyoto are playing a role, they do it very shallowly. That is why we try to portray the failures while at the same time advancing some propositions to help ameliorate the deteriorating situation.-
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Special Graduate Schools > Graduate School of International Studies > Department of International Development Cooperation > 3. Theses(Master)
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