관세 절차 조정으로 인한 APEC 국가들 간의 국제 무역 장벽 해소

Alternative Title
Surjono, Nasruddin Djoio
Alternative Author(s)
국제대학원 국제경영학과
Graduate School of International Studies Ajou University
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Alternative Abstract
ABSTRACT REDUCING INTERNATIONAL TRADE BARRIERS AMONG APEC MEMBER ECONOMIES BY HARMONIZING AND SIMPLIFYING CUSTOMS PROCEDURES NASRUDDIN DJOKO SURJONO 200427944 International Business Master Business Administration Program of Ajou University This study explores the customs procedures among 21 APEC member economies. The hypothesis of this research is “Are the customs procedures of APEC member economies similar in APEC, say, Indonesian customs more similar to the Thai customs than to Korean customs?”. To answer the above questions analysis are made by statistics tables and Cluster Methods. Statistics tables are prepared through cross country analyses by focusing on 14 factors i.e., Harmonization of Tariff Structure with the HS Convention, Public Availability of Information on Customs Laws, Regulations, Administrative Guidelines and Rulings provided to the business sector on an ongoing basis, Simplification and Harmonization on the Basis of the Kyoto Convention, Adoption and Support for the UN/EDIFACT/Paperless Trading, Adoption of the Principles of the WTO Valuation Agreement, Adoption of the Principles of the WTO Intellectual Property (TRIPS) Agreement, Introduction of Clear Appeals Provision, Introduction of an Advance Classification Ruling System, Provisions for Temporary Importation, e.g., acceding to the A.T.A. Carnet Convention or the Istanbul Convention, Harmonized APEC Data Elements, Risk Management Techniques, Guidelines on Express Consignments Clearance, Integrity and Customs-Business Partnership. The results of exploratory table analyses show that the most of APEC members are striving for harmonization and simplification of their customs procedures. The analysis carried out in the present study uses cluster analysis by grouping the positions of Customs Administrations of APEC Countries. This procedure is an attempt to identify relatively homogeneous groups of APEC Customs Administrations (21 cases) based on selected characteristics encompassing 97 variables. By using SPSS 11.5 software, this study examines binary data, 1 for adopted/implemented and 0 for not adopted/not implemented, and uses the Between Group Linkage Cluster Method and simple matching for selecting similarity. The result shows that there are two groups, first group members being South Korea, Singapore, Japan, New Zealand, United States, Canada, Malaysia, Mexico, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Thailand, Chile, China, Philippine; Second group members, encompassing Peru, Vietnam, Brunei, Russia and Papua New Guinea. Also, the result answers the hypothesis that Indonesian customs more similar to the Thai customs than to Korean customs in certain degree.

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Special Graduate Schools > Graduate School of International Studies > Department of International Business > International Business > 3. Theses(Master)
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