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Showing results 16 to 35 of 48

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-02Learning Representation from Structure Information via Self-supervised Learning박준규
2021-02Machine Learning based Inference on Causality in Graphs이동기
2022-02Multi-Degraded Image Restoration Using Spatial Distortion information신욱수
2022-08Multi-Scale Fusion Network Using Adaptive Cost Volume Filtering for Stereo Matching전수연
2021-08Negative Regularization노준호
2022-08Network Group-based Knowledge Distillation using Online Role Change최준용
2021-08Object detection for emergency steering control강상연
2022-02Random Access Resource Selection in Mobile Networks with Machine LearningBEKELE YARED ZERIHUN
2021-08Reinforcement LearningYE NAING
2021-08Semi-Supervised Learning for Hierarchical Networks김명준
2022-02Spectral Graph Representation Learning지종호
2021-02Stretching out Emotion Research유지수
2021-02Stringent Multiple Quality of Services Enabled Resource Management in Vehicular NetworksDENG YAFENG
2022-02Toward 3D Structure Augmented Deep Molecular Generation박진준
2021-08Toward an Efficient Deep Image Restoration Method안남혁
2022-08Towards Efficient Collaborative Deep Learning Inference for Image-based Sensing Systems안정모
2021-02Unsupervised Text Style Transfer through Style Embedding김희진
2022-08Width and height based spatial distribution pooling networks for unsupervised domain adaptation윤진수
2022-02감성 네트워크에 기반한 문학 작품 표현 방법박명건
2022-02객체 인식, 추적, 배경 분리를 통한 침입, 배회, 유기에 대한 상황 인식이상아
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