2022-02 | Regulation of the NLRP3 inflammasome by mitochondrial MARCH5 ubiquitin ligase | 박연지 |
2022-02 | Region-specific difference in apoE4-dependent glial responses to focal brain injury | 이성은 |
2022-02 | Identification and functional characterization of RIPK3-binding protein in necroptosis | 박한희 |
2022-02 | Anti-osteoarthritic effects of Lindera obtusiloba leaf extract on the destabilization of medial meniscus-induced mice | 황석진 |
2022-02 | Role of coactosin-like F-actin binding protein 1 (Cotl1) in bone remodeling | 윤승희 |
2022-02 | Studies about the metabolic control of daily locomotor behavior in drosophila | 이상혁 |
2022-02 | Effect of brain slice conditioned media (SCM) on differentiation of monocytes into microglia. | 고동완 |
2021-08 | Functional characterization of ubiquitome regulating genomic stability and proteostasis | 김소연 |
2021-08 | 간세포암종에서 소포체스트레스에 의해 유도되는 CAP2의 역할 및 작용 기전 | 신보람 |
2021-08 | The role of tau-interacting protein in regulation of tau protein aggregations | 김수민 |
2021-08 | 간암 조직에서의 단일 세포 RNA-시퀀싱 데이터 분석 | 양지은 |
2021-02 | Therapy Induced Senescent Tumor Cells Increase Cancer Stemness | 김영삼 |
2021-02 | Development of intracorporeal differentiation of stem cells to induce one-step mastoid bone reconstruction during otitis media surgeries | 박성희 |
2021-02 | Roles of Cotl1 in learning and memory function | 임은국 |
2021-02 | 동반질환 질병 이환경로 분석을 통한 신약 재창출 | 박남기 |
2021-02 | 나노섬유를 기반으로 한 3차원 환경에서 면역세포와 폐 상피세포의 공배양에 대한 연구 | 신정인 |
2021-02 | Role of visfatin in pathogenesis and progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease | 허유정 |
2021-02 | Generation of the IgCw-γ1ε2-4/κ composed of the constant domain Cγ1 and Cε2-4 | 이정현 |
2021-02 | C2C12 근육세포에서 MS-275에 의한 지방독성 회복 효능 및 기전연구 | 이한별 |
2021-02 | Study on the Mitochondrial Enzyme Activity of Senescent Cancer Cells in the Colorectal Cancer | 김태규 |