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Showing results 71 to 90 of 547

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-02Effect of Phosphorus Compounds in the Fouling Behavior of Hydrothermal Carbonization Sewage Sludge via Drop Tube Furnace Experiments박주창
2017-08Effects of Device Structure and Operating Conditions on the Performance of Organometal Trihalide Perovskite Solar CellsNGUYEN, DUC CUONG
2010-02ELCC 분석기법을 이용한 IGCC 플랜트 및 병산시스템의 성능 평가심현민
2022-02Elucidation of operation and degradation mechanisms of efficient organic solar cells유신영
2018-02Energy Performance and Load Prediction Using ARDL and Deep Neural Network Models박상구
2017-02Enhancement and manipulation of terahertz nonlinearity강봉주
2019-02Etching of Si-based materials using fluorocarbon plasmas : Etch characteristics and its applications김준현
2019-08Evaluation of ash deposition behavior and fine particle formation from combustion of low-rank coal impregnated with molasses in DTFXU ZIXIANG
2018-02Experimental Studies on K2CO3-Catalyzed Gasification Process of Pre-treated Coal Samples (Hybrid Coal, Ash-free Coal and Ionic Liquid-treated Coal) in a Fixed-bed Reactor윤상필
2020-02Fabrication and Characterization of Carbon Nanotube Network Film-based Optical Devices Using Femtosecond Laser Machining민태열
2015-02Fabrication and electrochemical analysis of nanostructured materials for supercapacitors이혜민
2010-02Fabrication of inorganic-organic hybrid LEDs based on CdSe/ZnS quantum dotsNguyen Huu Tuan
2012-02Fabrication of Nanoelectronic Devices on Nonconventional Substrates with Poly-methyl Methacrylate (PMMA)-supported Transfer Printing TechniquesQUY, Nguyen Thanh
2022-02Facile Solution Synthesis of Colloidal CeO2 Quantum dots For Enhanced Photoelectrochemical and Anti-corrosion performances서동현
2016-02Flexible single-wall carbon nanotube electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cellsKim, Sang Yong
2016-08GCAM을 이용한 국내 공로 수송부문 분석Jeon seungho
2010-02Growth of Vertically-Aligned Carbon Nanotubesby Hot Filament CVD for Field Electron EmittersNguyen Tuan Hong
2020-02Hexafluoroisopropanol 플라즈마를 이용한 SiO2 식각박진수
2015-08High Performance Organometal Halide Perovskite Solar Cell Prepared by Controlling Solvent EvaporationMD. MEHEDI HASAN
2017-08High power ultrafast all-fiber lasers using saturable absorbers based on low-dimensional materials정환성
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